~ 1: Flaming Man ~

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Gon had fallen out of the weird purple portal with a loud thud in the middle of an alley. The wind was chilly, and the sky was dark. The air smelled of smoke, and Gon had no idea where his best friend had ended up, or if he even ended up here at all.

Looking at his surroundings, Gon noticed that no one else was with him. Wherever he was, he definitely did not recognize the place. What happened to Killua and Bisky? He thought. Suddenly, he heard screams a bit further from where he was. He ran out of the alley and saw a bunch of people trying to get away from a fire that was right in the middle of a road.

Gon ran toward the scene and tried to find any sight of water or liquid, but he didn't see any. If I can't put out the fire, I'll help them all escape!

"Over here!" The hunter shouted and waved to the crowd. He reached out his hand close enough so he didn't get burned and so he could easily reach the hands of those stuck in the fire. "Grab on! I'll get you out safely!"

They followed Gon's instructions, and soon, they were all safely pulled out of the fire. Then, another scream struck the hunter's ears. He turned around and noticed a huge creature attacking behind him. Without another thought, he ran through the fires and kicked the creature away from a woman cowering in fear. The creature roared and stumbled over.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" Gon asked the woman. She nodded and thanked Gon for his help before running away from the danger. Gon grinned and went back to face the creature. "Now, what could you be?" He tilted his head and scanned the creature up and down. It had big muscles, four eyes, its brain was outside of its head, and it weirdly smelled like... sniff. Cheese?

The creature suddenly charged at Gon. Gon immediately jumped out of its way and landed behind it. He then ran to its side and powerfully swung his foot at its stomach. The creature staggered.

"Hey, kid!" Gon heard a booming voice shout out to him. He turned around and was met with a man with a flaming beard. "What do you think you're doing out here? Get back home!"

"Oh, sorry, I was helping the civilians from that weird looking creature over there." Gon pointed behind him. "Don't worry, I think it's almost dead!" He turned around to fight it again, but the man stopped him by pulling back his shirt.

"This is a situation for the pros to handle, not a kid like you. Now get back home before we have problems!"

Pros? He must be a pro hunter like me! "Well, I'm a pro, too!"

"Excuse me? You're too young to be a pro. Stop living in your head and face reality, kid."

Gon was extremely confused by what the flaming man meant. His thoughts were interrupted by the creature's sudden appearance behind the man. "Look out!"

The creature slapped the man away and lunged at the boy. Gon jumped onto its body and started punching its gooey brain that was resting outside its head. Once he felt that the creature had enough, he hopped back down, and the creature flopped onto the ground, lifeless. Gon didn't mean to punch it so hard, but now his hand was bloody.

"Sir?" Gon looked for the flaming man to make sure he was alright. He saw him on the ground to his right, a shocked expression on his face.

With a grunt, the man stood up and pointed at the building behind Gon. "You! Stand next to that building over there and don't move! We'll be having a talk after this is over!"

"What? Why?"

"Are you clueless or just plain dumb?! Don't ask questions and skedaddle!"

Gon sheepishly rubbed his head and bowed at the man before heading over to the building he was directed to wait by. The man did look more experienced than Gon, so he decided to listen to him. He was still confused about why he seemed so on edge about Gon fighting though.

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