~ 9: Class 1-A ~

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The night before Killua and Gon had to go to U.A., they were talking about the possibility of Hisoka also being in this new world with them, and the chances of it being true were 99%.

"We felt his aura. That was definitely his aura, right?" Gon asked, pacing back and forth in the room.

"I'm positive it was." Killua replied. "We've felt it so many times, it's like an automatic feeling now."

"So, if Hisoka is here... then there's a possibility more people from our world are here, right? We don't know much about that portal guy's ability, but if he managed to open two portals, one for us, and one for Hisoka, then there's a chance he could have opened more!"

"Yeah, but we also don't know when exactly Hisoka got here." Killua said, throwing his yo-yos in the air for fun while lying on the bed. "If every time that portal guy opens a portal, and every time it malfunctions is different, then we wouldn't know where it could open up. Like earlier, we just landed in the middle of some street in front of a random guy."

"That's true..." Gon put his hand under his chin to think.

"And you know what?" Killua sat up, catching his yo-yos in his hands. "I think Hisoka was the one who committed that murder."

"Really? Why?"

"When I was looking at the victim, she had a really deep slice down her neck. Her whole head could have been chopped off, but the person who killed her was precise enough to leave it at that. And that weird feeling I felt? I bet it was Hisoka's lingering bloodlust. The way her neck was sliced reminded me of his cards."

"Ohh," Gon finally stopped pacing and sat down next to Killua. "But why would Hisoka kill an innocent woman? He always just wants to fight strong people."

"The money was all taken out of the cash register, remember? I bet he just needed cash. He found a simple target and got rid of her. We're living in a normal, well, kind of normal, I guess, society now. We can't use our hunter's license or Jenny to buy whatever we want."

Gon's face lit up in realization of his friend's words. "Killua, you're so smart!"

Killua smirked. "Heh, I know~"

"Anyway, what are you going to do about those villain guys now? They're pretty persistent in wanting you to join. What was the reason again?"

"Uh," Killua laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. "They want me to help them take down All Might in exchange for our portal back home."

"Mighty Man?" Gon's tone heightened in surprise. "Why would they want to take him down?"

"For starters, that guy is the number one hero, and they're villains, so it makes sense they want him gone. Secondly, I feel like All Might is hiding something, and maybe the villains want to get him for that secret. But that's just a hunch. I don't really know."

A few seconds of silence passed between them before Gon spoke again, "So, are you going to help the villains?"

"Absolutely not." Killua turned his head and looked Gon in the eyes. "We'll look for the Accompany Card together, no matter how long it might take."

Gon grinned, confidence in his eyes. "Yeah!"

The two talked some more, late into the night, before they fell asleep in the midst of all their chatter. Tomorrow, they would be starting their first day at U.A.


Sigh. Killua was one hundred percent sure that going to this hero school would cause many problems for him and Gon. He never had to study before, but it looked like it was going to be part of his daily routine, in about... ten more minutes.

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