~ 11: Unpleasant Study Session ~

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 "I knew that Yaoyorozu was rich, but I didn't know that she was this rich!" Kaminari was in awe at the sight of Yaoyorozu's house.

It was now the weekend, and Killua and Gon were about to have a study session with some of their classmates.

In the past week that they had gone to U.A., both hunters learned about a lot of things. They expanded their previous knowledge on heroes, villains, and quirks. They also had to learn about different battle concepts and other things, like what makes a hero a hero, but it was a bit confusing since the rest of the class was learning about something different.

I guess you could say that they had a great time with their classmates, too. Well... maybe it was only Gon. He bonded with everyone so easily. The hunters also got to see everyone's quirks in more detail, and it was much different from Nen. Killua had noticed that they didn't have any life force because their bodies were built differently, but it was possible for them to learn how to open those nodes if they really tried.

Killua tried to show the class his 'quirk,' but whenever he spiked up his aura, some students claimed to only see tiny sparks flying around Killua while others claimed to see nothing at all, so that got them riled up, asking things like, 'How did you get into U.A. with an underdeveloped quirk?' Of course, they didn't know the full story, but Killua still found that annoying.

But all that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was that Killua and Gon were bombarded with knowledge every time they got home from school, both by Aizawa and Iida. Aizawa told them, "You need to be prepared, so remember everything I tell you," and that started their journey of becoming deflated juice pouches. Although, there was good news as well. Since the two hunters arrived so late in the school year, they were exempted from the written portion of the final exams and would be given a modified version. They would still have to do the practical portion though because they were capable of fighting.

"Hey, Killua," Gon nudged his friend's shoulder. "Is your house bigger than her's?"

"Huh? Why're you asking that? Shouldn't you know?"

"Yeah, but I don't know how I should compare them..." He whispered. "Because she lives in a normal mansion, but you live in a mountain mansion."

"Woah, Killua lives on a mountain?!" Mina popped in between the two.

"Who lives where now?" Kaminari peeped over, too.

"Killua lives on a mountain!"

"W-What?" Killua moved away. "No, I don't. This idiot has no idea what he's talking about."

Gon almost said another thing before realizing that Kukuroo Mountain didn't even exist here. "I meant that metaphorically, obviously, haha...!"

Midoriya was there as well. He even brought his notebook to take notes. Though, Todoroki couldn't come because he had some other things to attend to.

"Hey, everyone!" Kirishima had arrived. Behind him was the grouchy Bakugo who was, unfortunately, forced to come by his mom just to practice his 'social' skills.

"Hey, Kirishima!" Kaminari waved back.

"Good, everyone is now here." Iida pushed up his glasses. "Let us enter the residence!" Slowly, he rang the doorbell.

"Hello, everyone! I've been waiting for you!" Yaoyorozu's voice was heard immediately after. The gates to her house opened, and the students stepped in.

Once they entered the house, Yaoyorozu took them to her dining room where there was a long fancy table. Above it, there was a beautiful chandelier.

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