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I quietly stand next to shigiraki, we had found a temporary base to stay at it was dusty and made most of us sick. We were currently going to meet a villain named Overhaul, I narrow my eyes as twice walks in with the villain.
Shigiraki looks up at them and speaks "Well now, you brought us a pretty big catch huh, twice?" Overhaul speaks after him "You think so? Strange, coming from you. The league of villains." I glance at Magne as she asks "What gives? Is this guy famous or something?" I shake my head and turn my attention to shigiraki who now speaks "My master showed me a picture of him, he's what you'd call 'Yakuza'. The young head of the Shie Hissaikai, to what do we owe the pleasure?" I narrow my eyes as I look at Overhaul no longer really paying attention to anyone but shigiraki and Overhaul.... Not until Mr compress explains the story to toga "Ah! Allow me to tell you a story. In the past, there were many different scary troupes that ran the underworld. After the heroes started thriving, though, they slowly but surely began to disband. When All Might took the stage, their era was over the Yakuza survivors that weren't caught became rent-a-thugs for villain groups. In other words they were the lowest form of criminal, barely scraping by to make a living. Frankly, they're obsolete an endangered species." I stiffle a laugh, my attention turns to overhaul as he talks "An endangered species huh? I guess that's true." I tilt my head, Magne speaks up "Yeah, what's a Yakuza thug from the slums doing here? Lemme guess you're excited about All Might's retirement, too" "It's good that he's gone, sure. But I'm more interested in All For One's absence." I narrow my eyes as he says that, I wasn't happy with him mentioning mine and Shigiraki's master like that. Overhaul continues speaking "The dark Emperor who ruled over the shadows. The old-timers always feared him, even after rumours of his death. Honestly, most people my age thought he was an urban legend. You can imagine the shock when he showed up in the flesh, but in the end the big bad was thrown into Tartarus and the Symbol of Peace retired. Which means those of us in the shadows and those in the light are both leaderless. So, who will step up to take their places?" I glare at him, shigiraki let's go of my hand and steps towards overhaul as he speaks "you know who my master is, but you still got the nerve to ask that? Sounds like a challenge. I'm the next leader. Even now I'm gathering my troops, our numbers continue to increase. With our combined power, I'll turn hero society to dust." "You have an actual plan?" I glare at him and step closer to shigiraki who replies "Watch your tongue and your tone. I thought you came here to join up with us." "A goal without a plan is just a wish. If that's what you're offering why should I join you? What happens after you increase your forces? Do you have any idea how you'd even organise your league? You had the hero killer Stain at your side, muscular, moonfish. All first-class game pieces and you lost em. Maybe you just didn't know how to play the game you can't even manage a few crazy people, but you wanna build an army? What happens when that power spirals out of control? You need direction to achieve your goals and I have a plan. I didn't come here today because I wanted to join you." "You brought this idiot here without knowing his intentions, Twice." "In order to execute my design, I need money. Unfortunately, there aren't many people looking to invest in some obsolete, small-time Yakuza. Now, your group on the other hand has widespread name recognition. Put yourself under me. Make me your new leader, and I'll show you exactly how to use the right tools." I glare at him, no way would I or shigiraki let him become the leader. Before I say anything though shigiraki tells overhaul to leave, and magne goes to attack overhaul "Sorry bout ya, small fry. But we didn't band together to serve under somebody's boot." I smirk as she uses her quirk on overhaul and she continues to talk "The other day, I met with an old friend. She's a gentle soul but she supports me, even after knowing about my past. You know what she said? 'Those who're bound by chains of society laugh at those who aren't' I'm here because I don't want to be bound by anything! We're free to decide for ourselves exactly where we belong!" As she hits overhaul her body explodes and blood splatters everywhere "Magne!" I yell out, only her lower half remains. I glare at overhaul as he speaks "just remember you made the first move. Ugh, I'm filthy now. That's why I hate the aftermath." "You bastard!" I run towards him but shigiraki grabs onto me stopping my attempts to attack overhaul, Mr compress goes to attack overhaul and shigiraki yells out to him "Compress, Wait!" Who replies "No! I have to seal this guy away! " But when he touches overhaul his quirk doesn't work. "Don't touch me!" Overhaul yells his body breaking out into hives and he uses his quirk destroying Mr compress' left arm. Shigiraki let's go of me and goes to attack overhaul but instead of attacking him he grabs onto some guy turning them to dust immediately. He jumps away and speaks "Now I get it." Overhaul's men burst into the base, I stand besides shigiraki protectively he continues to speak "You should have just started with this. Saved us all some time." I huff in annoyance "this'll be a pain to deal with... How the hell did they find us.." I mutter. Shigiraki stands up "one of them probably has a tracking quirk." I nod in agreement I glare at overhaul as he speaks "Hard to be objective in this situation. Besides, killing eachother isn't productive a death on both sides let's take a breather. We'll cool our heads and try again later, I owe your side and arm." He walks out of the hole in the base. "You bastard" I grit my teeth and clench my fists. Twice yells out wanting to end overhaul but shigiraki won't let us attack him. "No." He grips onto my hand not letting go, I glare at overhaul as he speaks "I don't want to rush you but, the sooner we talk the better." He chucks a business card towards us without even looking as he continues to talk "Think things over carefully, consider how your organization should be run. Then, when you've calmed down, call me." I narrow my eyes and scoff this guy was beyond cocky and arrogant, I hated him for his whole existence. He'll pay for what he did and I'll make sure of it.

Can't be hurt (Tomura Shigiraki X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now