Don Quixote

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Top : Joshua

Type : Cute, soft, adorable.


Joshua and Jeonghan have been a couple for almost two years now, and although they're completely different from each other, they love each other more than anything.

At the moment, they're sitting in a park, Jeonghan is lying down, Joshua has his head on his legs and he's lying down too. The young American is reading a book, while Jeonghan is solving math problems in his notebook. They love two totally different worlds, but that's not what matters to them.

After turning a few pages and solving a few problems, the two lovers stop what they're doing and sit up again, watching the sun set over the lake.

Then, after a few seconds spent like this, they turn towards each other and Joshua brings his face close to Jeonghan's, obviously the Korean recoils as he always does.

" Hannie-ya you should read or watch Don Quixote."

" What's that ? I'm not literary or a cinephile Shuji-ya. "

" I know that very well, but it would help you see the world from another angle."

" Can you elaborate a little more ? I really don't understand anything. "

Joshua begins to think, then without warning Jeonghan places his lips against his quickly, just a little kiss nothing serious. The blond blinks and gives a little pout when Joshua steps back from him.

" Not in public Shuji-ya. I already told you. " Jeonghan complains like a child, with his cheeks on fire, making Joshua laugh.

The young American comes over to stroke his lover's hair and then takes his book in hand, it's volume two of Don Quixote and the summary takes up volume one, the black-haired man knows full well that this can help his lover focus on something other than the gaze of others so he takes his book in hand and hands it to his elder.

" You can read the summary at least, please, Hannie-ya. "

" If it will make you happy. "

When the young man starts reading, he can't quite make out the hidden meaning of the story. Is it just a gentleman who thinks he's Don Quixote and can save Spain ? Jeonghan can't understand why his boyfriend wants him to read this book so badly ; it's not like him.

" Shuji-ya, I can't understand you, why do you want me to pay attention to this person so much ? "

" Because I want you to feel like him."

" I still don't understand."

" Hannie-ya. Try to feel like this person, feel like Don Quixote, live your life as you see fit and you don't give a damn about the opinions and looks of others."

Jeonghan immediately understands why his lover wants him to take an interest in this character, Joshua just wants him to stop worrying about others and take care of himself and what he loves, and that's all.

Slowly, the blond man hands the book back to the black-haired man and delicately takes the American's face in his hands, then, with extreme gentleness, places his lips on Joshua's.

At first, the American doesn't react because he wasn't expecting it, but finally, when he feels his lover's mouth move against his, he comes to his senses and regains control of the situation by kissing his boyfriend back.

The exchange is gentle and calm, their gestures and actions unaggressive - they don't need anything more than to kiss like this, after all.

After several seconds, the two lovers finally pull away from each other to catch their breath, and Joshua smiles, pressing his forehead to Jeonghan's and feeling proud. Proud of himself for having succeeded in making his lover understand that nothing is more important than them, but also proud of his boyfriend for having, for once, set aside the opinions of others and acted as he wished.

" Shuji-ya, I'm going to feel like Don Quixote a little more often."

" And if I asked you to feel like Don Quixote every moment of your life, would you agree ? "

" I really want to, I may have a long way to go before I get there but with you by my side I think I can do it."

-> A few weeks later

The two lovers are strolling through town, they're holding hands, and it's Jeonghan who has taken Joshua's hand in his, they move forward together and they end up stopping in front of a store, some young people are looking at them Joshua doesn't care but he feels Jeonghan tense up, the older want to take his hands back but Joshua don't let him do it.

" Hannie-ya, feel like Don Quixote. "

Jeonghan breathes in and out heavily, a boost of energy has surfaced and he feels better, he keeps Joshua's hand in his and ends up even interlacing his fingers with those of his lover, the American smiles gently and comes to place a kiss on the back of Jeonghan's hand.

The blond starts to blush and looks everywhere but at Joshua's face, the black-haired man smiles, he always finds his boyfriend adorable when he's embarrassed.

The two lovers eventually get back on their way and arrive at the top of a hill, they're a panoramic view of their city and they're alone to their delight.

" Joshuji, I need to tell you something."

" It's good timing because so do I."

" May I start ? "

" Of course."

Jeonghan takes a puff of oxygen to fill himself with courage, then pulls a ring from his pocket, Joshua smiles and his eyes begin to sparkle.

" Joshuji, you're the man I want to keep for my whole life, I need you to be happy everyday, will you marry me and stay by my side forever ? "

The blond starts to blush and the black-haired man starts to think, he also comes to put his hand in his pocket and pulls out a small ring.

" I'll marry you because I want you to marry me too, Hannie-ya. I can't believe we're thinking about the same thing."

" We love each other way too much to want to be apart. You have to believe."

" That's perfect, we'll have to go and get married in America though because marriage for all isn't allowed here."

" Shuji-ya, let's feel like Don Quixote until the end."

" What do you mean by that ? "

" Let's get married here, in full view of our friends and families, we're not doing something grand just something that feels like us."

" You're right Hannie-ya, let's go above prejudice and rules. And let's get married right here at home."

Jeonghan smiles and Joshua comes to hug her from behind, the two lovers feel good, they really feel like Don Quixote, they're afraid of nothing, they're invisible to others and they're going to love each other without worrying about anything but themselves.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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