Chapter 12

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'Have fun'

Perhaps if she didn't say those words like she was going to get out of bed and cast a spell to kill everyone in the house, I would actually be able to have fun with this bitch in front of me.

"You are the hottest man I have ever been with" she whispered into my ear, her hands roaming my chest before she sat on my laps, straddling me and shoving her tits in my face.

All good and well but those tits felt nothing like Caramia's tits. Her tits were the ones I wanted to suck on, bite on, smack and fuck.

I wrapped an arm around her waist and she let out a moan that sounded nothing like Caramia's moan.

'Stop, Russo. Try getting into this!' I scolded myself but it wasn't working.

It seemed like the moment I had known of Caramia's taste was the moment all other tastes turned plain to me.

Perhaps if I could drive my frustrations into fury and just fuck the hell out of this whore. I turned her over just as she had unbuckled my belt.

She gasped and then smiled as her back hit the bed. I reached for my buttons, undoing it swiftly as she pulled the black dress she was wearing off her body.

She had a good body but again, it wasn't like Rosaline's body. I jerked my shirt off my body, dumping it to the floor as she unclasped her bra and let her tits out.

The image of Caramia's tits flashed in my head again and I groaned out loud.

"Get out" I grumbled the words out.

"Ugh? What do you mean? Why? Did I do anything wrong? Do you prefer me keeping the bra on?"

"Just get out. You will get paid as you should" I moved away from the bed and headed to my drawer.

I needed a smoke to lighten my head up.

"Please tell me how to please you. I really want you too" she moved behind me.

"Not a finger on me. Use the door" I said sternly.

I could sense that she wasn't moving for the next few seconds and then, she picked her clothes up and ran out of the room.

"Russo, you are damned!" I ruffled my hair and pulled at it before grabbing a cigarette and a lighter.

I took the cigarette between my lips and lit it, then took a long drag from it, dropping the lighter back into the drawer. I caught sight of the framed picture of Rosaline and picked it up for a second, wondering if I should just jerk off to her image again but I pushed the thoughts out of my head and dropped the picture back into the drawer.

I moved towards the balcony of my room and sat, smoking and trying to calm the storm inside of my head.

Why was I even an uncle to Rosaline? Why couldn't we be total strangers? Then, I would not hesitate and I was sure she would not fight back her want for me too. I would have fucked her pussy endlessly and made her body recognize every of my touch.

I spent minutes, watching the rain fall heavily and smoking before I decided to just walk around the house. I dropped the cigarette butt on the plate and stepped out of my room. I walked past Rosa's room, trying not to think too much about her even though she was all that filled my head.

I couldn't even understand anymore how I was working properly at work. I walked around the house aimlessly for long minutes before deciding to go back to bed.

But as I walked past Rosa's room this time, I could not resist the urge to go and see her. Just to see if she was sleeping well, I guess.

I pushed the door open gently and walked into the room. I stood by the door for the next few seconds and it seemed like she was sleeping very well.

I was about to turn back and leave when I heard a gasp from her. I immediately moved closer to her and getting in front of her, I saw her brows furrowed and her lips quivering. She was having a nightmare.

A whimper escaped her lips and I cursed, sitting by her side and taking her hands in mine. I had once seen her having nightmares before and I was quite sure it was the same nightmare again.

Her family dying in that plane crash where only she survived.

"It's okay, it's fine. You are safe" I bent over and kissed her hands. I didn't want to shake her out of the nightmare suddenly. It would be better to gently wake her up from it.

"Mu...mum" she gasped and I saw a tear roll down her cheeks.

"Caramia, wake up" I took her by the shoulder and shook her out of it, not wanting her to spend a second more in that nightmare.

Her eyes opened with a loud gasp leaving her lips. She rose from the bed and threw her body into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her quickly, her face buried in my chest.

"I killed them" she sobbed.

"What?" I was taken aback. I never knew that Rosa blamed herself for the death of her family.

"No, you didn't." I patted her back comfortingly.

"I did... I killed mum, I killed dad too. They all... They all died because of me" she sobbed.

"No, they didn't. It wasn't your fault, Caramia. No one's death was your fault. No one blames you for it, it isn't your fault."

"They do, everyone blames me for their death and it is my fault. It really is." she cried, burying her face into my chest even more.

"It is fine, Caramia. It's fine, no one is going to blame you anymore. It's all fine, I am here" I patted her and slowly, she seemed to stop crying and got herself back.

She pulled away from the embrace and I cupped her face in my hands.

"Are you okay now?" I asked, looking into her still teary eyes.

"I... I am fine. Why are you here? Is your... Is your woman to fuck for the night done?" She asked softly and I couldn't help but feel like Caramia was being jealous.

She didn't want another woman fucking me and I kinda liked it c.

"I sent her away" I mumbled and she seemed surprised for a second before she nodded.

She laid back down in her bed and that was when I noticed that our hands were currently entwined.

I watched over her as she slept back as if nothing had ever happened. She looked so peaceful and beautiful.

"I will take my leave now, okay?" I tried to pull my hand out of hers but she held onto me tightly.

"Uhm, you have to let go" I caressed her hand gently but she didn't let go.

"Stay" she whispered, her eyes still closed.

I looked around the room for a second, at nothing in particular before looking back at her. There was no reason to pretend like I didn't want to stay beside her for the night too. And there was a chance she could have another nightmare so it would be better if I slept next to her, right?

I got into her bed, her scent filling up my nostrils as I did so. She pulled herself close to me, finally letting go of my hand and keeping her head on my chest.

"Goodnight, Caramia" I kissed her on the forehead and pulled her even closer to myself.
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