Chapter 11

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I stepped hard on the accelerator, going way faster than I should and then pulling on the brakes suddenly.

The sudden movement caused the car to screech to a halt and jerk me forward a bit.

"Dio!" I grunted and hit the steering wheel of the car twice.

I leaned back, closing my eyes tightly. Four days! It had been four days of hell and torture! If I ever thought five years ago was hell, then I was wrong and if I ever thought those few days after my arrival was hell, then I was wrong again. And no, hell wasn't when I was kidnapped at ten and tortured for a week.

These past four days were the true hell of my life. I was barely talking to her and that was because I didn't know how long I could hold myself back in front of her so I chose to talk to her only when I had to.

Had I even touched her even once for the past four days? No, not even once.

And that tight skirt of hers wasn't helping matters. And her blouse too today, it was a white blouse with what seemed like a huge bowtie in front of it, just right over her tits but when she came to brief me about an idea some employee had brought, she had bent down to drop the file in front of me and I had seen the top of her tits.

Fuck! There is nothing I would not give to have my cock in between those two beauties.

I was being tortured and she had no idea of how she was torturing me at all. Tonight though, I was going to have some whore over so I could fuck and get off properly. Perhaps that would leave me with a clearer mind than I have right now, for a few days.

I looked out of my car window. It was dark and windy too, it seemed sure that it was going to rain tonight.

I glanced at my wristwatch and noted that the time was 8:52pm. The whore I asked to come over would have been on her way by now. And Rosaline should be home too by now, especially since it seemed like it was going to rain.

I decided to dial her contact to confirm that she was home since she so loved hanging out with her friends after work. Friends which included that Rick of a guy.

I picked my phone and dialed her contact but it just kept ringing. The call ended and I dialed her contact again, my brows pulling into sharp arches.

The moment the call was answered, I felt relieved.


Yeah, did I mention that I have had to call her Rosa only for the past four days? Caramia and Sunshine sounded way fucking better.

"Russo" she replied in a little drawl. She had been drinking.

"Don't tell me you are out drinking. Are you home?" I questioned.

"Oh, not yet and it looks like it's going to rain. I might just stay out for the night" she replied.

"Hmm, alright" I said and was about to tell her to take care and end the call but then I had another question to ask.

"Stay out for the night at where? A hotel?" I asked.

"No, I will just stay over at Rick's place"

"Share me your location right now" I immediately demanded.

"Ugh? Why? I told you I am staying out for them..."

"Right. Now." I cut her off and heard her sigh softly.

"Fine, I will" she gave in and ended the call.

Never in a thousand years would I let a half drunk Rosa spend the night with that guy who calls himself her best friend. I just can't believe how much Rosa trusts that guy, I can't.

I revved the car back into motion just as I got a notification with her location.


I arrived at a modest home after about thirty minutes of driving. It was already drizzling but I wasn't going to let her stay out with Rick.

I alighted from the car and walked into the place. No one stopped me to affirm my Identity, not even one person was guarding this place and that was the place Caramia was in. She seems to forget who she is 24 hours everyday.

I stopped in front of the door and knocked on it, twice. A few seconds later, the door was pulled open by the one face I definitely didn't need to see. Rick.

Would it piss Rosaline off too much if I got rid of this guy because him being alive annoys me?

"Oh, hey. You are here, I will go grab Rosa immediately"

"No worries. I will pick her up myself" I walked past him into the house, uninvited.

There, in the living room was Rosaline on a sofa with her cheeks flushed red from drinking. Beside her were three others, two guys and one girl.

"You are here" she got up on her feet and dizziness seemed to hit her as she held onto her head.

I hurried over to her and scooped her into my arms.

"Why did you drink?" I scolded her.

"Just having fun" she beamed happily and I directed my gaze to Rick.

"You know she has a job, right? And you know tomorrow is a work day and you let her drink this much?"

"I tried to caution her but..."

"Excuses" I said and walked past him, with Rosa in my arms. I carried her into the backseat of my car and laid her there.

"I will drive gently so you can sleep till we get home, okay?"

"Okay" she grumbled and I moved over to the driver's seat.

I began the drive, driving slowly and gently even as the rain began to fall a lot more heavily. I watched her every now and then to be sure she wasn't going to roll over and she seemed pretty much asleep.

She turned a few times before we got home but that was it. The car door was immediately pulled open for me by one of my men with an umbrella in his hand.

I walked over to the backseat, pulled the car door open and lifted Caramia out of the car into my arms. The umbrella followed until I stepped in.

A woman was seated on a sofa in the living room and it took me a second to recall that I had indeed asked for someone to fuck for the night.

"You are finally back" she got up on her feet. She was a blondie and looked really nice. Just the kind of woman I would usually fuck.

"Follow me" I said to her before turning and making my way up the stairs.

"Who is she?" Caramia asked me softly, opening her eyes for a second before shutting them back as if the lights were hurting her eyes.

"No one for you to bother about" I replied but she opened her eyes again, this time squinting.

"I do want to know who is in our house" she rambled.

"Fine. She's the woman I am fucking for the night, great?"

She fell silent instantly, not replying me. I walked into her room, shut the door behind and laid her gently in her bed.

I was supposed to get her out of her clothings but I didn't want to get intoxicated with her already so I stepped away.

I had gotten to the door, about to pull it open when she spoke in her sweet voice.

"Have fun"

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