Chapter 33

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I was in my office, doing some work with a huge smile on my face. I absolutely could not contain how happy I was.

Sexual satisfaction was indeed something that kind of changed everything for better and I had someone who satisfied me very much.

'Don't think about him, Rosa' I chastised myself because I knew that if I thought too much about him, I was going to get hot again and be in need of him. I couldn't let that happen for two reasons. One, I had a whole lot of things to do since I had skipped work yesterday and two, Russo wouldn't want to do anything in the company and I guess I wouldn't too... Maybe?

I brushed his thoughts out of my head and continued to work. I checked my schedule and frowned, realising that I had a meeting with a manager from some other company in an hour.

"How could I have forgotten?" I smacked my head lightly.

I had not even gotten ready for the meeting at all and I sure would not want to seem like a fool in front of another manager.

I went through the pile of documents in front of me and pulled one out. I leaned into my chair and with a small pout, began reading the work.

I used my laptop a few times for a few references and after about forty minutes, I knew enough to not be a fool in front of the other manager.

I rose up to my feet and collected a few things I would be needing for the meeting but before I could finish, there was a knock on the door.

"Do come in."

The door opened and it was Rick.

"Rick" I smiled.

"Manager Rosa." he smiled back at me, walking further in.

"You were absent yesterday and I called your phone a few times. It was switched off."

"Oh, I am sorry. I should have called you to tell you I was going to take a day off, you were worried, weren't you?"

"I was but when I asked around, I was told the CEO, your uncle was in office and I know he would definitely not be in office if something was wrong with you. I would have come to your home to check on you after work but well, your uncle hates me and would definitely not want to see my face."

"He is not that bad" I chuckled, tucking hair strands behind my ears.

"I was feeling tired yesterday so I decided to take a day off." It wasn't a lie, right? My legs were tied yesterday.

Rick glanced at his wristwatch.

"Do you feel better now?" He asked.

"Of course, very much better."

"Shall we leave for the meeting now? I think the others just arrived." He questioned.

"You are going with me?" I asked, a bit surprised.

"Not really" he chuckled. "Actually, my senior at work would be the one going with you but I asked to tag along and learn a few things. My senior let me as long as you let me. So..." He drawled.

"Would you let me go along with you?" He asked, clearly knowing the answer already.

"No" I replied playfully and he gave me a playful frown.

"Like you can ever say no to me. Let's go." He chuckled.

"Why ask when you know the answer already?" I picked my bag and left behind my table.

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