Chapter 18

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What in the world just happened? I had just confessed to him that I wanted him and was more than willing to let him be my first but that was when he realized that everything was wrong?

Had I said anything wrong? Was it because I was a virgin? Russo didn't want a virgin? But how did it even matter that I had not been fucked before? Wasn't he supposed to kind of want me more urgently, knowing that his cock would be the first inside of me? So what was the issue? How could being a virgin be an issue?

"No" I whispered and threw the sheets off me entirely.

He could not bring me this far, break all the restraints I had tried putting in place, make me admit that I wanted him to fuck me and then dump me right after it. That was not going to be possible! Saying no after seducing me was more wrong than the lust between us!

I got out of bed and getting onto my feet, I felt my legs tremble slightly. I quickly held onto the bedside table for support.

He hadn't even fucked me yet and my legs were getting wrecked. In that moment when I told him I wanted him too, I was already fantasising what it would be like for him to fuck me and what he had in store for me. He made me like this and surely had to claim responsibility for this! He wasn't going to just back out now.

I took in a deep breath and then breathed out. First, I had to go to work. I could not miss two days in a row, that would be highly unprofessional of me and it would also seem to the others that I am being nonchalant because I am Massimo's daughter.

I limped slightly out of the room and headed into my own room to get ready for work.


I searched every file on my table, trying to find one that would have me visit Russo's office. I know this was kind of silly to do but I had to go into his office and I had to go under the pretense of work.

It wasn't going to pretense exactly anyways as we would indeed talk about work.

"Gotcha" I smiled, picking up a file that needed me to go through it before passing it to the office of the CEO.

I went through it quickly, as fast as I could and in minutes, I was done. I picked it up and stood up, smoothening my skirt before heading out of my office.

I headed to his office which took me about a minute or two to arrive at and getting to his door, I put on a brave font.

'You can't let him just dump you halfway' I said in my head and then knocked on the door.

"Come in" his deep voice rang out and I pushed the door open.

"Good day, boss" I walked towards his table and unlike every other day when he would watch me walk to his table, he only spared me a glance before looking back at whatever he was working on.

"Why are you here, Ms. Massimo?" He asked in the sternest and most professional voice I had heard from him.

I hated it when he called me with such a distant tone!

"Your signature is needed sir" I dropped the document in front of him and he picked it up, still not sparing me a glance. I could not stand it anymore.

"Tell me you didn't mean what you said this morning." I started and he raised his head, glancing at me for a second before looking back.

"Whatever happens at home stays at home. This is the company." He replied.

"Oh yeah, someone now realizes that this is the company. But it wasn't the company when you were talking to me about personal matters"

"As long as this office relationship is concerned, I am the boss. You absolutely do not query me as long as your employee contract isn't being breached"

"Russo" I groaned.

"Mr. Massimo" he corrected and I gritted my teeth.

"Look here, Russo. Look at me!" I raised my voice slightly and he looked at me, his gaze so distant and so cold.

"Was this some sort of game to you? Get me to admit that I want you to fuck me and then start acting up? Was it a game? Did you have fun playing the game?"

"Did you go through this document, Ms. Massimo?" He asked as if all I was talking about right now was completely irrelevant.

"Yes, I did. What about it?" I was glaring at him now.

"And you did not notice a wrong term?" He dropped that particular document in front of me.

"Get back to work and do your job properly."

"Russo! You..."

"Whatever you have to say about what happened last night and this morning, hold it in until we get home. From now on, let's be completely professional at work, is that clear?"

I could barely believe that this was Russo talking to me with this distant tone and all of a sudden, I felt a wave of shame cloud me. For a reason I couldn't comprehend, I just felt unwanted.

"Fine! Mr. Massimo" I picked the document and stormed out of his office, my brows arched in anger and fury.

No! I wasn't willing to believe that he was just going to give up. If he could give up, if he could control himself from wanting me, he would have done that before.

Heavens! I wanted him so bad that my head was now being messed around with. I wanted him to kiss me hard, take my breath away, I wanted him to fuck me hard and take me anyhow he wanted to take me. I wanted him to make me cum over and over again and I wanted to taste his cum too! I loved the taste of his cum after licking some last night and I wanted more of him.

No, it wasn't just a want, it was a need.

As I walked into my office, my phone rang and I lazily walked up to it and picked up the call. It was Rick calling.

"Hey Rick"

"Rosa? What's wrong? You sound a bit down"

"It's nothing at all. Why did you call?" I asked.

"Well, you are going to get cheered up now" I could hear him grinning over the phone.

"Really? What's the good news?" I pushed a smile out.

"Well, guess who is now working in the legal team of Massimo's corporations?" He asked and my eyes lit up with joy.

"Oh my! Congratulations, Rick! You got it!"

"Yes, Rosa! I am so excited too! Finally, I would be going to work in the same company you work at. We can hang out during lunch breaks and go out after work together to grab a drink! It would be so fucking perfect"

"I know! I am so happy! When are you starting?" I asked elatedly.

"Tomorrow, I will be starting tomorrow"

"Let's meet tonight and celebrate this with a cake"

"Not drinks?" He chuckled.

"Nah, not in the mood for drinks. A cake, agreed?"

"You know I would always agree with whatever you choose" he replied.

"Aww, you lovely big man" I laughed.

"Only for you" he laughed too.

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