Chapter 14

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Caramia was wrong to think that I was mad at her. Okay, maybe I was slightly mad at her but I was more mad at myself because she was exactly lying.

I was indeed a horny bastard for her but it had been different last night, I had slept well with her skin being next to mine but I hadn't been filled with dirty thoughts all throughout the night.

But I would never blame her for that.

"So what do you think?" The woman opposite me asked.

"I can't say anything about your ideas right now. It does sound quite good but you'd have to come to the office and go through the usual procedures" I replied.

"C'mon, Mr. Massimo" she gave me a flirty wink.

And that is one of the reasons I didn't like meeting with business associates outside of my office.

"You can help make this easier, right? Help me with this and I would help you in whatever way I can" she jiggled a little bit and I wanted to roll my eyes.

"Does Miss. Keith think I lack women?" I questioned.

"No, not at all. There's no way Mr. Massimo would lack women, you are handsome, hot and sexy so..."

"So this won't work. I don't fuck business partners"

"No one has to know, Mr. Massimo. You just have to help me push this proposal a little bit. It's a brilliant proposal after all and I will warm your bed anytime you need me to. Anytime at all." She whispered in a tone that was supposed to be sexy and seductive but sounded far from being any of those two.

"I only accepted to come here because I was feeling stuffy at work and I thought I could do with listening to what you said were your brilliant ideas but turns out this has been a total waste of time" I glanced at my wristwatch.

It was 7:02pm. I didn't want to go home early was the issue. I didn't want to get into anything with Caramia that would warrant her thinking of me as a sex starved animal.

"Fine, let's put the brilliant ideas aside. Do you want to try me out? You have no idea the brilliant styles I have inside of my head" she smiled.

"Okay, I guess I am done here" I got up on my feet and started making my way out but she stood up and followed after me.

"Mr. Massimo"  she called loudly after me but I gave no response until I got to my car. The door of the car was pulled open by one of my men but I stopped to face this clingy woman.

"Ms. Keith, I don't fancy killing women but if you push me too hard, I won't mind blowing your head off right here and now" I threatened and saw fear rise in her eyes but the fear was only there for a second before she pressed her lips to mine and kissed me.

Heavens! And I am called the horny bastard when this woman exists?

I shoved her away from me and she fell to the floor. My brows furrowed as I noticed a weird taste in my mouth, she had definitely pushed some sort of thing into my mouth.

My eyes darkened as I moved closer to her and wrapped my hand around her neck.

"The gun?" I demanded with my other hand stretched out and one of my men handed it over to me.

Her eyes widened with real fear this time and she shook as I put the gun to her head.

"What the fuck did you just feed me?" I demanded to know.

"You have three seconds to answer me or you'd be dying before me"

"It's just... It's just an aphrodisiac!" She whimpered and I groaned, getting up on my feet and throwing the gun back to one of my men.

Yours, DaddyWhere stories live. Discover now