Chapter 41

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"Over the last three months, Massimo has stolen two huge deals from me and several little ones" Dark Caster groaned, staring at the glass of wine he had in his hand.

"He has been a hassle just like I knew he would grow to be but then he is not someone easy for me to deal with" he tilted the glass to his lips and took a sip.

"He isn't easy for anyone to deal with but I will deal with him. There isn't a man on earth without his weakness, every man just tries hard to keep his weakness away from his enemies and I will give it to Massimo that he has been good at keeping his weakness very well hidden. I have almost been tempted to believe that he doesn't have a weakness but I know better. He does just like every other person." He dropped the glass on the table calmly.

"You have been hovering around his daughter for years like I wanted you to. It is now time for you to make use of your closeness with her, Rick."

"What do you want me to do, Uncle?"

"Find out his weakness. You have access to his home, you work in his company and his only family is your best friend. You are the best person to find out his weakness"

"But Massimo distances himself very much from me, Uncle. And Rosaline knows nothing about his dealings, she's too innocent about the things that happen with him. Massimo hates me already for being close to Rosaline, I am afraid this task might be a bit hard"

"Hard or not. You have only one option and that is to do what I have told you. You want to take over me one day, don't you? You want to become powerful and wealthy like me and not pathetic like your mother, my sister. Then you have to do as I say... Find out what can bring Massimo down to his knees."

"Yes, Uncle. I will definitely try my best." Rick responded with a small bow and exited the study of Dark Caster.

Getting out, he ran a hand through his hair. He now had two things bothering his mind. The first was how to find out Massimo's weakness and the second was Rosaline... He could swear that what he heard earlier on the phone from her were moans.

Who was touching her right after he had confessed his feelings to her? He had had enough of other guys having access to Rosaline. Now that he had let her know about his feelings, he had to make sure that she became his and his alone.



"Rosa" Rick smiled at me and I gave him an awkward smile.

Awkward because of two things. His confession last night and me moaning over the phone... Heavens help me!

"You look great"

"Oh, thank you. You look great too" I returned the compliment.

"You are here to get something to eat real quick?" He asked.

"Ah yes, I just want to have a quick munch before I go for the meeting we are having this morning"

"Oh, I see. Uhm, about last night..."

"Maybe we should talk about it later. I think I should just go and get ready for the meeting" I cut him off quickly but he grabbed me by the arm.

"Rosaline, c'mon. Don't avoid me, please"

"I am not..." I mumbled.

"Last night when I called you to check if you were home, I heard some noises... Uhm, were you watching adult movies when I called?"

"Yes, yes, I was." I lied but at least his assumption was better than the fact that I had been moaning while my uncle was on his knees, licking my pussy.

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