Chapter 43

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My face was in a frown as I looked at my phone's calendar.

"Not this. Why are you a day earlier?" I grumbled as Russo walked out of bathroom with his hair wet and his bathrobe loosely tied.

Just a little bit more loosely and I would be able to see his...

"Quit staring if you don't want to get fucked this morning, Cara" His deep voice cut through my thoughts and I passed him a fake glare before squeezing my eyes shut tightly as I felt pain in the lower part of my stomach.

"Cara, you are good?" I could feel him beside me already. I opened my eyes and nodded at him.

"I am good" I flashed him a smile that was supposed to reassure him but the look on his face made it clear that he didn't believe my lie one single bit.

"What's wrong with you?" The worried look merged with an authoritative one.

"I am really fine. Just feeling a bit tired, can I work from home today?" I asked, hoping my voice would not give me away.

"Tell me what it is that is wrong with you? Stomach ache? Or your body hurts? You have been eating too little these days too..."

"I am really fine" I grumbled, clutching my stomach and arching my back a bit.

"Menstrual cramps?" His brows furrowed and I felt my cheeks heat up slightly.

"Yes" I slowly nodded with a whisper.

Wordlessly, he got up from his crouched position and I watched him grab his phone before I shut my eyes back.

As expected of a man like Russo. Powerful, rich and feared... The last thing he would want to do was to have anything to do about my period.

"Clear my schedule for the day and fix my appointments reasonably to the rest of the week" I heard his voice and my eyes shot open?

"You are not going to work?" I asked as he ended the call and dropped the phone.

"Why should I? You are not going too." He replied.

I felt my heart skip several beats and for a second the cramps were gone. I felt a warm feeling set around me and my body felt tingly sweet for a second before I shook it off me with an effort.

"Let's get you in a warm bath first." He picked me up from the bed before I could say a word.

No, I had never been in an abusive relationship before but none of the guys I had ever been with acted this way when it came to my period. It was either disguised disgust or avoidance in the name of letting me rest properly.

Getting into the bathroom, the bath had been prepared already.

"I had it prepared already. Good thing it is a warm one" he dropped me gently and began to unbutton his shirt that I was wearing.

I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment this time. There was a high chance that I had stained this shirt already while lying in bed.

"You lied yesterday about cramps and today, you are having it a day earlier than usual. Teaches you not to lie, doesn't it?" He asked as he pulled the shirt off me.

"You are the reason I lied yesterday, isn't it?" I folded my arms with a pout.

"Wait a minute..." I looked at his face.

"How do you know that it was a day earlier than usual?" I asked him.

"You marked the previous dates on the calendar in your room so I did the calculation." He replied and that was just how much heart racing I could take for now.

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