Chapter 22

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"Rick" I smiled, getting up from my seat and walking over to him with a small limp. At least, I hoped it wasn't that noticeable. Cumming that hard while standing had taken its toll on my legs but I wasn't complaining.

"Rosa" he spread his arms and I hugged him.

"Welcome to the company!" I patted him and then pulled away, giving him a big smile.

"Thank you, Manager Rosaline" he smiled and I laughed.

"Why are you here though?" I asked, returning to my seat and as I got back into my chair, I realized he was staring at me.

"What?" I asked with a brow raised.

"You are limping, did you get injured somewhere?" He walked over to me.

"Oh, I hit my leg against something hard last night and so this is it" I lied smoothly.

"You should be more careful." He frowned.

"There goes the big brother Rick" I chuckled.

"Why did you come here though? Just to see me?" I asked.

"Yeah and also since I am a new employee of the team, I guess I will have to go around every now and then and get familiar with the place."

"What do you mean?" I asked, not quite understanding him.

"They asked me to come over here. There are some documents that we have to review as I have heard?"

"Oh that. That's right, these documents have a little bit of issues. Russo isn't satisfied with the contracts, he can be hard to satisfy at times" my eyes moved around the table, searching for the documents but I couldn't find them so I got up on my feet.

"I think I dropped them in that cabinet last night" I walked over to the cabinet and Rick followed after me.

I opened the cabinet and found the documents inside of it.

"Got it" I picked it and turned, bumping into Rick who had been standing right behind me.

Before I could shove him away or just push the documents into his shoulder and return to my chair, the door had opened and Russo walked in. It was the very first time he would be visiting my office. He was the CEO and of course would just call me into his office if he needed me so I wondered why he walked down here himself today.

Looking at his face, he had a hard look on his face and he wasn't even looking at me at all. His hard gaze was on Rick and he looked like if he had a gun on him right now, he could be constantly raining bullets on Rick. And without the gun, it looked like it would give him great joy to slam Rick's face into a wall over and over again.

"Here are the documents, Rick" I walked past Rick and walked over to Russo, trying to break the tension that had grown in the office in a matter of seconds.

"Good day, sir" I greeted.

"Good day sir" Rick greeted too from behind me.

"What are you doing in here?" Russo's voice was thick with an emotion I could not quite place my fingers on.

"I am now a member of the legal team of Massimo's Corporations, sir. It is a pleasure meeting you" Rick replied.

"And..." Russo stepped forward, walking past me to get closer to Rick.

"Ru..." I held myself back from calling his name.

"Why do you think being a member of the legal team gives you the right to be in her office?" He questioned.

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