Chapter 5

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Everything that happened yesterday and the day before was all now in the past. I had concluded so after a long deliberation with myself.

Russo could not just come back home after five years and disturb how my life was going. He was my uncle and that was all he would ever be.

Okay, perhaps also my boss at work.

Since Russo was back, the acting CEO would step down and Russo would take over today. I was the new manager of the company and I just might need to work with the CEO a lot but business would definitely be business.

And looking back at five years ago, Russo had always been the way he was. I was the only one thinking things too far. He had probably even forgotten about that night.

"The car is parked right outside. Go get in." I heard his voice behind me as I picked my suit up.

"No, I can go in my own car" I replied. As much as I had cleared everything up in my brain, it would benefit me to stay away from him for a while.

"Sunshine, go get in the car" he repeated in a voice that I just could not find it in me to disobey.

"Alright. Fine and don't call me Sunshine at work or even Caramia."

"Caramia is your name" he pointed out.

"Not a lot of people know that. And Caramia sounds a little bit too... Endearing? Rosaline will work perfectly"

He gave no response this time and just walked towards the door. I sighed and followed after him.

Getting outside, the door of the car was being held open by one of Russo's men. I watched Russo get in the car and I got in after him.

The door was shut and the ride began. I tried to think of something distant from Russo but his cologne was really distracting me from doing so.

"Russo?" I called as he flipped through a document.


"Busy?" I asked.

"Well, not too busy for you" he closed the document.

"Don't you have any woman in your life?" I asked a question I had been pretty curious about.

"A woman?" He seemed amused.

"Yes, a woman. I, at least know you are into women" I replied, not understanding why he seemed amused.

"If I have a woman in my life... I guess I do. I have you" he said with a pretty serious countenance on his face.

"Russo" I hit his shoulder lightly and he laughed.

"You know what I am asking about. You are... 35, right? A fiancé? a girlfriend? A regular lover?"

"And if I have none?" He leaned in a bit and I leaned back.

"There's no way you have none" I said, trying not to let my voice tremble even a little bit.

"Well, I have none at the moment and I know that's almost unbelievable for a man as hot as I am..."

I scoffed.

"Hot? Yeah, in your dreams" I rolled my eyes and attempted to look away from him completely but he suddenly grabbed my chin and made me continue looking at him.

He leaned in really close, so close that I could feel his breath and then he went for my ear, his breath fanning me gently.

"It wasn't in my dreams when you called me daddy and came like a good girl for me" he whispered and my entire face flushed red.

Yours, DaddyWhere stories live. Discover now