Chapter 9

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The Next Day


Yesterday was a huge mistake! A particularly huge one but it had also made a few things clear to me. Russo had not just helped me on the night he had returned home because I needed help. He had helped me because he also wanted to touch me.

Another thing was that I, who had not been sexually attracted to Russo before was now sexually attracted to him. Another thing was that I wasn't just attracted to him, I found it particularly hard to resist him.

So in essence, I and Russo were attracted to each other sexually. That should not even be happening but now that it was happening, the only thing I could do was to find solution to this.

And my no 1 solution was to very much avoid being alone with Russo anywhere. Whenever I had to be with him, I had to ensure someone else was there too and if that doesn't work so much, then I didn't mind resigning the job I had just started to go off to another country.

We had branches in other countries and I could easily go manage one of the branches in other countries.

But I just couldn't understand something. How I managed to remain with Russo and take things to points I had never dared to with other men.

Usually, I would shy off at kissing and would immediately back off if the man tried touching my thighs but with Russo, even though I felt shy, my shyness stopped nothing.

"Enough of those thoughts!" I muttered at myself, picking my handbag.

I had barely slept at all because I was thinking of what had happened between us all night. None of us had been drunk or drugged so it made me think really deeply about too much.

I put on a plastic smile and walked out of my room. It was 6:52 am, way earlier than I should leave home for work but I didn't want to be in the same car with Russo on our way to work. Who knows if he was going to whisper some dirty words into my ears again? Or if he was going to tell me to follow him right into his office and then touch me there?

"No, Russo is definitely not like that. He can't be that wild and unhinged" I mumbled to myself.

Of course, many dating scandals had surrounded Russo frequently but Russo had never been caught with some office romance thingy. Russo would definitely not make a move on me in his office.

I hurried down the stairs that led into the living room and took a quick look at the sofa where I had been seated last night.

I looked away just as quickly and found my way out of the house. Putting up a confident and elegant gait, I walked to my car, got in and dropped my bag on the other seat.

"Great" I mumbled for absolutely no reason.

I ignited the car into motion and drove out of the mansion. I felt like a huge load was being taken off my chest as my car sped through the road.


We had just finished with an official meeting that had required me to be there and as much as I had wanted to avoid being anywhere close to Russo today, I could not avoid this but it wasn't bad. After all, the meeting was with other head of departments and there was a fair number of them.

I picked my jotter and that file in front of me as soon as the heads of departments started living the meeting room. I was being quite clumsy and Russo was just seated on his seat, not saying a word or attempting to leave the meeting room.

I picked myself up from my chair, held myself back from glancing at him just as I had done throughout the entire meeting. I hurried along with the others and had almost stepped out when his voice rang through the room.


I froze and shut my eyes tightly. Didn't I tell him not to call me by my Italian name whenever we were in the office?

I slowly turned to him as the last person walked out of the meeting room and shut the door after him.

"I appreciate being called Rosa, sir" I stated with a polite and quite fake smile.

He rose up from his seat and began walking towards me. He had almost closed in on me when I moved away from him swiftly. I didn't want him getting too close to me and making me lose my senses again. There was no point in trying to find out if I could resist him or not.

"You are avoiding me" he pointed out.

"Not at all, sir. I am performing my duties at work as I should."

"Fuck" he cursed and tugged at his tie, loosening it a bit before moving closer to me.

Again, I took steps away.

"You are not just an employee, Rosaline." he groaned, clenching and showing off his jawline.

I took in a deep breath before dropping the file and jotter I was carrying, on the table.

"Enough of this, Russo." I raised my head and looked up at him with all the confidence I could summon.

"You are my uncle, have you forgotten that?"

"I haven't. I know I am your uncle and..."

"Oh no, you don't know you are my uncle. You seem to have forgotten that, Russo. We might not be blood related but we are family and whatever you are thinking of isn't going to work out between us."

"And what do you think I am thinking of?" His voice sounded calm and unruffled, despite the fact that I was now raising my voice.

"You know what you are thinking of!" I accused him, not wanting to say any raw words to him.

"No, I don't know what I am thinking of so I will need you to do me a favour..." He took another step towards me and this time, I didn't move away.

"And tell me what it is that I am thinking of." he finished, standing right in front of me.

I gulped down and then looked away from him.

"That night and last night..." I started, looked back at him and softly sighed. He was staring at me with eyes that screamed his want to kiss me or maybe... Maybe I was wrong.

"Listen, this is partly my fault. I shouldn't have let you help me that night but don't think with your dick, Russo. And last night was a terrible mistake, I don't know what came over me but I will try my best to make sure it doesn't happen again so please try your best to think clearly, okay?"

"You can easily hire women to fuck. Have them over, fuck them and calm your horny self down or better still, get a girlfriend and fucking get married. Whatever choice you make, please just don't come on to me anymore, Russo El Massimo. Our relationship is clearly defined, we are a family and there is and will be nothing more to it. No sex, no romance, nothing else. My father would be disappointed, seeing this happen." I finished and without bothering to study the expression on his face, I grabbed my things and stormed out of the meeting room.

That should put an end to everything. Everything would be fine now.

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