Chapter 32

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I clenched my jaws as I stepped hard on the accelerator, one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand flipping a gun. There were loads of things I could tolerate but I absolutely could not tolerate it when stupid things took me away from the things I enjoyed.

Right now, I could have been in between Caramia's legs, I could be fucking her again right now or sucking her tits. But here I was, on my way to meet some little bastards. Dark caster was really getting on my nerves and if he wasn't a quite worthy opponent himself, I would have killed him already.

"I am going to snap necks tonight" I flipped the gun again and glanced at it for a second before throwing it to the passengers seat. What the hell had I been thinking, toying with that gun? A gun definitely would not do for tonight.

I pulled the car to a halt in front of a mansion and alighted from the car. The night breeze blew through my hair and I ran a hand through it, the other hand now held the gun I had just thought useless.

Maybe it wasn't going to be so useless for now.

I walked towards the security men and one of them stepped forward.

"It's Massimo, let him in" he said to the others.

I walked into the mansion and on getting to the doors that led into the living room, met another one of Dark caster's men.

A pale skinned man who held his head up high.

"You'll do" I mumbled before approaching him and pointing a gun to his head. He drew out his gun but he knew better than to use that gun. There were things he knew not to do without his boss consent. Fighting or shooting Massimo was one of them.

With the gun to his head, I led him into the living room where Dark caster was seated with some other guy I had seen a few times.

"Massimo" Dark caster expressed surprise.

I grinned at him and pulled the trigger, shooting three bullets into the head of the guy I had brought in. I let his body slip and fall to the floor, then I walked over it.

"Dark Caster" I sat on the sofa opposite him.

"Massimo" his look had turned grim as he looked at one of his men, dead on the floor.

"Don't bother my business, Dark caster. I would have ignored you setting spies amongst my men but I was really in the middle of something important when I heard that they found spies from you. I don't like leaving something so important to me just to deal with issues like this." I grabbed the bottle of wine on his table and stared at it for a while.

"Don't get me angry. You know you'd hate it when I get angry."

"I have no spies..."

"True. You no longer have spies since they would be dead soon anyways" I shrugged my shoulders and dropped the bottle of wine to the floor, letting it shatter.

The red wine spread on the white tiled floor.

"Their blood will be flowing like this in no time." I looked away from the red wine to dark caster.

"But if you aren't careful enough, your blood will be the one flowing next. I can already imagine the sight... Your red blood spilled all over the floor and all over my shirt. The imagination pleases me so much that I can barely wait for it to become a reality. Don't hasten the imagination into a reality by getting on my nerves" I got back on my feet.

"I would take it that you are very much informed now. I would send you a little package tomorrow morning, I hope you'll like it." I added and stepped on the body of the dead man as I walked back out of the mansion.

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