Ive Missed You For Once

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I got to Bucks five minutes later. I didnt even knock, i barged right in. Buck didnt care though. He was usually drunk anyway. He even thought my name was Summer. Complete opposite of my name. I ran up to Dallas' room and flung the door open. Dallas was making out with some chic. "Dallas! How could you?", i yelled. They both stopped and looked at me. "You were cheating on her? Im outta here", the chic said and left.

I smirked and looked at Dallas. He was definitely angry. "Why did you do that?", he shouted. "Why did you help Pony and Johnny run away?", i yelled back. He looked embarrassed and scratched the back of his neck. "How did you know that?", he asked. So i was right. "You just told me", i smirked. He glared at me. "Your good kid", he said. I walked over to him and smacked his chest. "Oww! That hurt", he said, rubbing his chest. "Put on a shirt and it wont hurt as much", i laughed.

Dallas got dressed for the day and walked out the door. "Where are you going?", i asked, following him. "See the boys", he said. "Take me", i said. He looked at me skeptically. "I dont know. If anything happened to you, your brothers would kill me", he said. I raised my fist and he gave in. I guess i have a way with words. We were on our way to some place called Windrixville. Thats where he sent them.

We pulled up to some ugly, rundown church. It looked like it would collaspe any minute. "This is where you send my big brother and best friend?", i asked sarcastically. "It was the best i could do last minute. Would you rather them in jail?", Dally asked. "Pony maybe. Johnny no", i answered. "Exactly. Lets go see them", he said. We walked in through the back door. The two were asleep on benches.

I ran over and jumped on my brother. He woke up with a jolt, sending me tumbling over top of him. He runbed his eyes, then focused on me. "Winter? What are you doing here?", he asked. "Dally brought me. By the way, your hair looks like shit. Why were you a wuss and not fight the soc?", i asked back. He got angry until Johnny spoke up. "He was not being a wuss. He just was insulting them then got caught while running away", he said. I smirked. "Sounds wussy to me", i laughdd. Dallas laughed too.

"Lets eat lunch", Dallas said. "I ate before we left", i said. "Well im hungry", Pony complained. "Nobody cares whatcha think", i hissed. He scowled at me. "We are going to eat and thats final", Dallas confirmed. Pony laughed as i stomped out of the church.

I sat in the back with Pony because Johnny sat next to Dally. The boys ate like pigs which was pretty disgusting. "Hey Pony", i said. He looked up at me from his third sandwich. "You know i actually missed you a little for once". He smirked at me. "And i didnt miss you at all". My ears turned red as i got angry while he began to laugh.

"We are gonna head back to the church. Johnny decided to tirn himself in. It was a waste of my time finding a hideout", Dallas said. The car was back on the road. Soon, we saw the church again, but this time, it was on fire. "Oh my god! There are kids in there!", i shouted. I jumped from the car followed by Pony and Johnny. Dallas was yelling at us, but i didnt care. I love kids. No matter how mean i am, i love kids. I would really like for someone to come save me if i were in that church while it was burning.

Since i am small, i found a way into the church easily. I was throwing kids out the window to safety when the boys joined me. Soon enough, all the kids were safely out. It was time for us to find an exit out. Dally pulled my brother out the window. Johnny and i were left in the burning church. A deafening crack sounded. I looked up to see a beam breaking. It was right over top of Johnny and i. "Look out Johnny!", i yelled. I pushed him towards the window as the beam fell.

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