Chapter : 10

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The Return to Raizada Mansion - II

The Cold Truth

The air in the lavish Raizada mansion was thick with tension. The grandeur of the chandelier above, casting soft golden hues around the room, did nothing to ease the mounting anxiety. Akash could feel the weight of his family's stares, especially the piercing, silent demand from his parents. They all sat around the grand living room, waiting for him to break the silence with an explanation that could justify the unease he had stirred.

Akash, usually composed, felt a bead of sweat trickle down his temple. His hands were clammy, his heart pounded erratically, and the knot in his stomach tightened with every passing second. He knew there was no turning back now. His brother Arnav's discerning eyes were fixed on him, a reminder that deceit was futile. Arnav could always see through his lies. Worse still, discovering the truth later would only deepen the family's disappointment.

His family know of his flirtatious life style and habbit. So it was no point in hiding the truth from them.

Taking a deep breath, Akash began, his voice trembling, "It was a bet." He paused, the words hanging heavily in the air. "The marriage was a bet with friends."

A suffocating silence filled the room, each family member processing the shocking revelation. Akash could see their expressions change—confusion, disbelief, and a creeping horror.

"I was out with some friends in Lucknow," Akash continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "You all know Bhai was tense about his fashion show and the venue. I went two months early to help Aman with the arrangements. In between, I met my old friends. We were having a good time, as usual, but that day they were teasing me that I would be single forever."

He looked down, unable to meet their eyes, as the guilt gnawed at him. "Being drunk and heated by the conversation, I made a bet with them that I would woo the first pretty girl I met on our way home and marry her within a month."

Gasps of disbelief echoed around the room, but Akash pressed on, knowing he had to lay it all bare. "Coincidentally, our car broke down in the middle of nowhere. We saw a girl coming on her Scooty. I waved for her help to bring back a mechanic. She stopped, and that was Payal, heading towards her home. My friends nudged me, reminding me of the bet. I nodded and started my plan to get her to marry me within a month, which was easy since she was single."

His mother covered her mouth in shock, while his father’s face darkened with a mix of anger and disappointment. Akash's voice cracked, but he continued, "After she helped me that day, I exchanged numbers with her and started meeting her frequently. Initially, I intended to marry her for the bet and then divorce her later. But amid all that, I started liking her. I swear, I'm glad I married her not because of some bet but because I liked her."

For a moment, Akash let the silence linger, hoping they could sense his sincerity. "I never told Payal that I came from a wealthy family. I introduced myself as just an average salary guy working in some company. It shows how good and loving Payal is. Her family was also uncomfortable with our sudden marriage, but after a lot of convincing on my part, they agreed. I'm sure they would be thrilled to come to our wedding today, meet the whole family, and it would put their minds at ease. Plus, Bhai’s wife, Khushi, is related to them—she is Payal’s cousin. Maybe it will help clear the misunderstanding between them, and I—"

Before he could finish, Arnav's voice cut through the room like a knife, cold and furious. "I have heard your stupid reason, but don’t you dare involve my wife in your stupidity."

Arnav's eyes blazed with anger as he stood up, his presence towering and intimidating. "Do you even know what kind of people you are talking about? The Gupta family isn’t what they seem. They treated Khushi horribly. They kept her around for her parents’ insurance money. To them, she was just a charity case, a source of free money." With that Arnav bare the whole truth of the Gupta family in front of them and also his investigation done by Aman, he warned lastly looking at everyone's face to not mess with his wife anymore or he will reign hell upon everyone.

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