Chapter :1

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In the Palace Room

In a grand, palace-like room, a man with intense chocolate brown eyes stood, staring at the pictures on the wall with a mix of hunger and determination. He made a silent vow never to let go of what they represented. The silence was abruptly interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Annoyed, he cut the call, unwilling to let anything disturb his moment. But the caller was persistent. With mounting irritation, he picked up the phone, ready to lash out.

“Chotte, come home. I need to speak with you urgently,” said a woman's voice on the other end.

He sighed, already knowing what his Di wanted to discuss. “I’m not coming home. I’m on my way to Lucknow,” he replied coldly.

“Chotte, you never go there after that incident. Why now?”

“Enough, Di! The fashion show is crucial for the company, and I need to renovate that place to erase every trace of the past.”

“But Chotte, it's our birthplace. It holds great memories.”

“It’s my property, and I’ll do as I please. My P.A. is already handling the renovation,” he retorted curtly.

His sister sighed, recognizing his stubbornness. “Okay, Chotte. Do as you wish, but come home soon. I need to talk to you, and this time I won’t take no for an answer.”

Frustrated, he ran a hand through his hair. “Whatever, Di. I'm getting late. I’ll talk to you later.” Without waiting for her response, he ended the call. He took one last look at the pictures, smirked, and left the room.

Departure to Lucknow

Outside, his P.A. stood waiting by the helicopter. Once seated, they took off for Lucknow. The P.A. began briefing him about the upcoming guests, the traditional outfits to be showcased, and the architect chosen for the renovation. Before he could finish, his boss cut him off, ordering him to stay silent about the architect until after the fashion show.

Upon landing in Lucknow, they were met by a fleet of cars. The guards quickly ushered their boss to his favorite Cadillac SUV. Without acknowledging them, he barked at the driver to start the car.

Arrival at Sheesh Mahal

They arrived at the imposing gates of Sheesh Mahal. The palace’s beauty was striking, but the man seemed unaffected. Wearing sunglasses, he stared at the building, memories of the past flickering in his eyes. His expression quickly returned to its usual cold, predatory look.

His P.A. led him to the fashion show venue. Workers stood at attention, having finished the decorations. With a nod from the man, they all dispersed. The P.A. hesitated before saying, “Sir, the preparations are ready. The show will start once you give the order. If you want, you can rest for some time.”

“You're not my keeper, Aman. Just start the damn show immediately,” he snapped.

“Sorry, sir. The show will start immediately,” Aman replied, scurrying off to give the instructions.

The Fashion Show

The man sat in the front row, watching his models showcase the outfits. His P.A. nervously described each design. Finally, gathering his courage, Aman said, “Sir, the main model…” but was cut off by the announcer introducing the lead model. Aman’s face paled as an unfamiliar woman walked the ramp.

The boss’s thoughts were far from anger. As the girl entered, time seemed to freeze. His cold eyes softened, turning obsessive. Angry at her for showing off her beauty to others, he shouted, “You, come with me!”

Humiliated and scared, the girl obeyed. Aman fainted momentarily, realizing the architect was on the ramp. Gathering himself, he ran after his boss to save the poor woman.


In a secluded part of the palace, the man harshly dragged the crying woman, accusing her of being an imposter trying to sabotage his show. “Who the hell are you, and who let you in here?”

Before he could continue, Aman arrived, saying it was his idea. Furious at the interruption, he barked, “Your explanation better be good, or you're fired.”

Stammering, Aman explained, “Sir, she's the architect we hired for the renovation. The main model couldn’t make it, so I asked her to walk the ramp to save the show. Her name is Khushi Kumari Gupta.”

Cutting him off, the boss ordered, “Fire the original lead model. She’s never to show her face at AR again.”

“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. There was no other choice,” Aman replied.

Turning to the scared and confused woman, the man said, “Sorry for the misunderstanding…” but before he could say more, he noticed Aman’s shocked expression. Irritated, he shouted at him to leave.


Alone with the woman, his gaze softened. “Do I know you?” she asked, her voice trembling. Recognition dawned in her eyes, but she was afraid to accept it.

Numerous emotions crossed the man’s face. With a choked voice, he finally said, “I didn’t know my moon-eyed rabbit had grown up to forget her fox.”

The woman broke down, recognizing him. “Arnav... How are you? Where were you?” she began, but he cut her off, cradling her face and wiping her tears.

“Shh... My moon-eyed rabbit. We’ll talk later. Let me hold you now and keep you close to my heart,” he said. Picking her up bridal-style, he laid her on the bed and lay beside her.

“Promise me this isn’t a dream, that you’ll be here when I wake up,” she whispered.

“I promise, love. This is real. I’m not letting you go ever again. Now sleep, my moon-eyed rabbit,” he assured her.

With that, they fell asleep, holding each other tightly, promising never to let go.

A/n :- finally chapter one posted n done hope I give some light in my story little bit and yes keep thinking what relation a Gupta and Raizada share to have such emotion...and aslo from my next update it will be of from character point of view not mine ...hope you like chapter 1,if so don't forgot to share your review!

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