Chapter : 14

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Whispers of Betrayal

The dawn had barely broken over Raizada Mansion, casting a soft, golden glow over the sprawling estate. The grandeur of the mansion stood in stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within its walls. In the quiet, early morning hours, Arnav and Khushi had woken before sunrise, their hearts beating in sync with the unspoken promise of another day together. But the peace was a fragile thing, easily shattered.

Morning Bliss Turned Sour

In their bedroom, Arnav’s hands roamed over Khushi’s body, his touch both gentle and insistent. Their lips met in a fervent kiss, a passionate exchange that spoke of their deep connection. Khushi’s soft moans filled the room as Arnav’s fingers tangled in her hair, pulling her closer. They lost themselves in each other, the world outside their door momentarily forgotten.

“Arnav,” Khushi whispered breathlessly, pulling back slightly to look into his eyes. “We should get ready.”

He nodded reluctantly, pressing one last kiss to her lips before they separated to freshen up for the day.

A Tight-Knit Family

The air in Raizada Mansion was thick with the aroma of incense as the family gathered for the morning aarti in the mandir. The elders, deeply engrossed in their prayers, were oblivious to the dark clouds gathering on the horizon. Arnav, always a rock for his family, completed the rituals with practice ease before slipping away with Nani under the guise of discussing work.

In the living room, Khushi found herself surrounded by Arnav’s Mami, Manorma Raizada, and his Mama, Mohan Raizada. The light-hearted conversation and morning refreshments felt like a warm embrace, a brief respite from the undercurrents of tension. Manorma, with her signature comic relief, kept everyone entertained, her vibrant personality a stark contrast to the morning’s solemnity.

“Oh Khushi, you’re such a lively girl,” Manorma said with a laugh. “We’re so lucky to have you as our daughter-in-law. If only our Akash had found someone like you instead of Payal.”

Khushi’s smile wavered slightly, upon the mention of Payal's name.

As they laughed, Anjali and Shyam joined for breakfast. Shyam, ever the actor, wore a mask of happiness, his charm a deceptive veil over his true intentions. The family’s laughter echoed through the halls, unaware of the storm about to break.

The Unraveling

In Nani’s room, the conversation took a serious turn. Arnav, his voice a mix of frustration and urgency, explained the situation. “Nani, an important project has come up. Khushi and I need to leave in 20 days. It’s a huge opportunity for her business.”

Nani’s shock was palpable. “But Arnav, the family dynamics are so unstable right now. Manorma is looking for any excuse to fault Payal, and Anjali and Shyam are planning to move out. When did Khushi even start her business?”

Arnav’s explanation of Khushi’s achievements brought a glimmer of pride to Nani’s eyes, but the moment was shattered by the vibrating phone in Arnav’s hand. Seeing Aman’s caller ID, Arnav’s irritation flared. He answered, ready to unleash his anger, but Aman’s panicked voice cut him off.

“ASR, switch on the TV. There’s an inappropriate article about you and Khushi ma’am. I’m trying to take it down, but I need your help.”

A Descent Into Chaos

Arnav’s face turned ashen as he switched on the TV. The crude headlines and blurred images of him and Khushi filled the screen, the venomous words a dagger to his heart. The news anchor's voice dripped with insinuation: “Finally, ASR’s explicit relationship is out in the open. The person shown in this photo is a small-town girl named Khushi Kumari Gupta. Our sources reveal she’s an uneducated girl. So, people, what do you think? How much money did ASR offer her, and is this her first job?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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