Chapter : 2

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A/u:- I already told u their will be character point of view but then it would be a daunting task for a biggnner written. So, I decided there will be an author's point of view too!

A Morning at the Palace

The morning light glistened upon the majestic palace, casting long shadows and a golden hue on its ancient walls. Yet, despite the serene beauty of the scene, Aman stood outside nervously, apprehensive about approaching his boss, ASR. The previous night had been a whirlwind, and though the fashion show had been a success, the unexpected appearance of the architect left him on edge. Little did he know that ASR and the architect were not only acquainted but had also spent the night together, lost in memories and rekindled emotions.

Aman's thoughts were interrupted by the incessant buzzing of his phone. Sighing, he picked it up, only to be met with an all-too-familiar voice.

"Miss Kashyap, how many times must I tell you I can't divulge ASR's daily routine to a mere model? Just because she's obsessed with him doesn't mean I'll risk my job. Sir has warned me not to entertain such calls. If you persist, please collect your resignation letter. I will only discuss show requirements, nothing else," Aman said sharply.

On the other end, Lavanya Kashyap retorted, "Just because you're ASR's P.A. doesn't mean you can speak to me like that. Once I become his girlfriend, you're fired. And tell ASR I'll be back from my London project in two weeks." With that, she hung up.

Annoyed by the encounter, Aman sighed deeply, silently praying for someone to come into ASR's life who could handle such nuisances. Despite his boss's reputation, Aman knew that ASR had never dated anyone seriously, nor had he engaged in casual flings or one-night stands. It was as if he was holding out for someone special. Shaking off these thoughts, Aman went to order breakfast for his boss, hoping the day would improve.

A Reunion After Years

In the room where the drama unfolded the previous night, Arnav and Khushi were asleep, entangled in each other's arms, their names murmured softly as they dreamt. The morning sun disturbed their slumber, and they woke up almost simultaneously, basking in the reality of being together again. Momentary panic set in as they checked if it was another teasing dream. Relieved to see each other, they hugged tightly.

"Khushi, I can't believe last night wasn't a dream but reality," Arnav murmured, his voice thick with emotion.

"Me too, my fox. Me too," Khushi replied, tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

Arnav's voice took on a rare, whining tone, "I want to ask so many things and know all about your life. I just can't wait."

Khushi, holding her grumbling stomach and pouting cutely, said, "I'm hungry. Can we eat first?"

Laughing, Arnav responded, "I'm glad to know my Khushi is still the same, hungry even in intense situations." He guided Khushi to the washroom, indicating he would order their food.

Khushi pouted and closed the door with a huff, her fox's teasing only making her more endearing.

Arnav, shaking his head with a smile, picked up his cellphone and called Aman, ordering breakfast for two in their room. He ended the call before Aman could speak. Sitting on the bed, he smiled continuously, relieved to have his beloved Khushi close and safe. His mind drifted to a cherished memory from their past.

Flashback: The First Meeting

A five-year-old Arnav was running near a waterfall in the park, where he had come to play with his mother. While running, he noticed a beautiful clearing and a girl around his age, dancing among rabbits and playing in the water. The first thought that came to his mind was "moon-eyed rabbit." Hesitant to approach her, he took a deep breath and slowly walked towards her, gathering the courage to ask if she wanted to play with him.

The girl's eyes lit up with happiness, easing Arnav's fears of being shunned. She extended her hand towards him and replied in a babyish voice, "Of course, I'll play with you. Thanks for asking. No one wants to play with me because I'm new in town. Oh, by the way, my name is Khushi Kumari William." (Her father was a foreigner, which added a bit of jealousy in Garima towards her sister's married life - a story for another time).

Arnav held her soft hand in his warm one, introducing himself, "Arnav Singh Rathore." Giggling at his fancy name, Khushi invited him to play, and they spent the afternoon together. As the sun began to set, their parents called them. Promising to meet at the same place the next day, they parted ways, not before Arnav kissed his little moon-eyed rabbit. Blushing at the given name, Khushi promised to think of a name for him too.

Flashback Ends

Snapping back to reality, Arnav heard Khushi calling him, asking innocently where he was lost. Gathering his composure, he replied in a husky voice, "Just remembering the first time we met."

Shaking her head, Khushi said, "I'm glad you asked me to play with you that day. It was the best day of my life."

"Me too, my moon-eyed rabbit. You have no idea how nervous and scared I was to ask you to play with me. But I'm glad I did. Otherwise, I'd have lost my moon goddess," Arnav said, laughing at his own childhood nervousness. He continued, "By the way, when did you decide to call me 'fox'? I never asked, but now I want to know."

Khushi, shaking her head at her impatient fox, came close and sat beside him. He pulled her closer, eager to hear her side of the story.

Flashback: Khushi's Perspective

At age five, Khushi waited daily for her best friend to come and play with her. Frustrated by his tardiness, she yelled, "I swear to God, Arnav, if you don't show up in five minutes, I will break your bones and feed..." Her rant was interrupted by a chuckling boy with his arms crossed, wearing a fox-like grin.

"Where were you? Do you even know the time?" she demanded, flaring her nose angrily.

Seeing her anger, the boy replied cutely, "I was here. I just wanted to see if you would wait for me if I ever forgot to arrive on time." (He didn't know his remark would play a big role in his future.)

Touched by his words, Khushi replied, "I will forever wait for you, my fox." She decided that "fox" was a fitting name for her tricky best friend. They resumed their play, the name sticking ever since.

Flashback Ends

Proudly, Khushi narrated her story to Arnav, explaining the origin of his nickname.

Chuckling, Arnav said, "Only you could think of that name in that situation." He paused, his voice filled with emotion. "Thank you, my moon-eyed rabbit, for waiting for your fox," he said, letting a tear fall.

Khushi, wiping his tear, cupped his face. "How could the moon-eyed rabbit not wait for her fox? It's impossible. I promised, and I keep my promises for a lifetime." Pouting, she accused him of distracting her from her hunger.

Laughing, Arnav reassured her, "I already ordered our food. No one will dare keep my moon-eyed rabbit starving." He then called his P.A. again to confirm the breakfast order. Aman, who was still outside, answered nervously, ensuring everything was in order.

Breakfast and Beyond

As they sat for breakfast, Arnav admired Khushi's antics. After eating, he took her to the palace's back garden to talk about their lives and reconnect after so many years apart.

Their conversation flowed naturally, filled with laughter, tears, and heartfelt confessions. The pain of separation melted away as they shared their stories, strengthening the bond they had always cherished.


Aman, meanwhile, was processing the whirlwind of events. His boss had found someone special, and it seemed the elusive ASR had finally opened his heart. Little did Aman know that Khushi had always been a part of Arnav's life, from their childhood days of playing by the waterfall to this very moment in Sheesh Mahal.

With the sun shining brightly over the palace, a new chapter began for Arnav and Khushi. They had found each other again, promising never to let go. The future looked hopeful, filled with love, laughter, and the promise of endless possibilities.

Spoiler:- In next chapter they will catch up with each other

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