chapter : 5

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Revelation & Realization

Arnav and Khushi woke up together, finding comfort in each other’s presence as they faced the new day. Khushi was slightly tense, worried about being related to Payal again and anxious about what would happen once Payal found out about her relationship with Arnav.

Arnav, sensing her unease, snuggled her closer. “I know what you’re thinking, my Moon-eye-rabbit, but don’t worry. From now on, we’ll face all challenges together.”

Khushi sighed, relaxing in his arms. She asked playfully, “What would you like to have today,Aman Laad Governor,  Mr. Husband? Don’t forget, we also got married yesterday. Isn’t it my first rasoi today? Tell me what you’d like.”

"( Note for those who are wondering, Arnav & Khushi have still not unified their relation further, As Arnav didn't want the union on the same day as his brother got married, so they will probably get married in a typical Indian fat weeding style in later chapters, then the union will happen)" story continued.

Arnav flashed his foxy grin. “Wifey, first of all, how could I forget the day I announced to the world that you are mine? And secondly, don't mention another man’s name when I'm with you and I will never be Laad Governor to my Moon-eye-rabbit. I may be strict for others, but never for you, my love. And as for your last question, my naughty wife, you know what your fox likes most. But you don’t have to do anything. We have servants for that. Don’t stress yourself, my Moon.”

Feeling a bit guilty, Arnav admitted, “I woke up before you and ordered your favorite breakfast. It will be served once we freshen up.” He made an innocent face.

Khushi, stunned, insisted he cancel the order. “It’s my right to cook on the first dawn after marriage. It’s a ritual I want to follow.” Despite Arnav’s protests, a determined look from her made him agree.

But Arnav had other plans. Tightening his hold on Khushi, their faces drew closer, and they could feel each other’s breath and heartbeat. A simple kiss triggered a cascade of memories from their past.

Flashback starts

On June 14, 2011, a ten-year-old Arnav was playing with a cute, chubby seven-year-old Khushi in the park as the sun set and other children played nearby. Cleverly, Arnav asked Khushi to play house. Naive and happy, Khushi agreed instantly.

Khushi, confused, watched as Arnav searched around the park. He didn’t respond until he found what he was looking for. He brought a few things to her and innocently explained that these were important for playing house. Khushi asked what they were for.

Arnav took Khushi inside the mandir in the park. He told her the first step in playing house was to get married. He made garlands of flowers, and they exchanged them. Holding her hand, they took seven circles around the small mandir, vowing to always be there for each other.

Arnav then announced they were married and quickly kissed Khushi on the lips, stating this sealed their marriage. Wide-eyed, Khushi pouted, remembering her parents’ promise to not let a boy touch her. Realizing she broke that promise, she began to tear up.

Arnav, seeing her tears, bent down and asked for forgiveness, holding his ears. He told Khushi she should not break her parents’ promises, but since they were married, only he could touch her. Amazed, she hugged him and promised not to let anyone else touch her. They consoled each other and parted as their parents called them, promising to meet the next day.

This moment engraved itself in Arnav’s heart, marking the birth of his obsessive love for Khushi.

End of Flashback

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