Chapter : 3

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Unveiling the past

A pregnant silence hung between them, thick with unspoken words and shared glances. Both Arnav and Khushi had so much to tell, so much to ask, yet neither knew where to begin. The weight of their pasts seemed insurmountable, an invisible barrier between them.

Finally, the silence shattered as both spoke at once, asking about each other's parents. Their expressions turned pained, unsure if the question had been a mistake. But beneath their hesitation lay a mutual understanding and a need for honesty. Pushing past their uncertainty, they tried again, voices laced with reassurance and support.

Khushi was the first to break the emotional dam. She spoke of her parent's tragic deaths and her subsequent adoption by her mother's sister, whom she referred as Bua. The memories of her childhood came tumbling out, painting a picture of resilience and hidden pain. Arnav listened intently, his heart aching as a tear slid down his cheek. He knew all too well the hardships Khushi had faced with her so-called Bua. But instead of delving into those memories, he chose to share his own story, a tale steeped in heartbreak and loss.

"Khushi, I miss you so much. I wish you had been there with me that day," he began, his voice a fragile whisper. Feeling Khushi's comforting hand on his shoulder, he drew the strength to continue. "I lost my parents too, but in a more horrific way."

Breaking down slightly as Khushi brings her body closer hugging him tighter, he began to recount the events of that fateful day. "I was eleven, it was Di's wedding day. We were waiting for the groom to arrive, but I noticed my mother seemed tensed and worried and so, I follow her towards her room to overhear her and father were arguing about father having an affair and all I was angry to say the list on my father but before I could go and confront him , I hear the disturbance in hall realizing Di is alone I decided to check on her but what I saw was enough to break my heart even further, my Di was crying because the groom refuses to marry her at the last moment. I don't know whom to console first my mother or my Di but before I could even choose I hear a gun shoot shock we all ran towards the source of the sound what we arrive we saw our mother hanging her self from the rope and father bleeding himself from his head holding a gun in his hand I realise my mother would have probably killed herself from father betrayal and later father kill himself feeling guilty and than after that suddenly our Chachu announces to leave his house and never return, shock I plead my Chachu not to kicked us out at night time not listening anything and accusing of dishonoring his family name ,even after all the plea we were kicked out I don't know where to go, Di was probably on the verge of nerves break down so I did what was possible at the best in that situation ,I call my maternal aunt aka Nani for her help and she asked us to come Delhi and with difficultly we got enough money to buy train ticket and headed off to Delhi and when we arrive I began studying hard and at last taking a loan from my Mami jewelry I build up ASR fashion company and that was the last day I ever show any emotion to other that day of my parent demise, the Arnav died and ASR was born."

Crying remembering those awful days he broke down along with khushi crying keeping her head in his shoulder and hugging him tightly after their shared pain a bittersweet balm. 

As the tears subsided, Arnav gently asked about her life with her Bua. With that Khushi began to think of telling him the truth or not but she know their will be no use of hiding , before she could think of a plan. Her trance was broken by Arnav commanding voice telling her not to lie. Despite Khushi's Initial reluctance, she knew there was no point in hiding the truth from him any longer. sighing deeply, Khushi began to recount the hardships she had faced. "They made me feel like an outsider. Payal was always jealous, and Madumati aka Bhuaji constant taunts, how she was expected to behave like a uneducated fellow."

Hearing all these Arnav would have swore to rip their fucking neck apart for their behavior towards his Moon-eye rabbit. He took a deep breath, calming his turbulent emotions before asking a loud ," Khushi, if you are forced to act uneducated, than how are you the architect of this place? and how the hell did you agree for the ramp walk?" Angry at the last statement remembering how those bastards male population were staring at his Khushi. Twitching his eye upon that thought he take a deep breath to calm himself down as he don't want to scare his Khushi his moon is special and deserve nothing but love his rude and arrogant mask is solely reserved for others but not her.

Khushi explained, "My sister's marriage is going to be held in this week. Bhua ji told me to stay at my friend's house because the groom's family doesn't know of me, they think Payal jiji is their only daughter. So, without their knowledge, I continued practicing my architect and about your ramp walk I had no idea I was going to agree, you see I had also done diploma in fashion design, yesterday while looking around the place for the architect I come across the room where shows topper dress was kept being a designer I couldn't help but adore the design embedded in the dress at the same time your P.A., Aman, came tensed and as I asked him, he told me their are problem with the female model and of Course about his khadoos I mean strict boss than he offer me to walk even though I haven't walk in any ramp ever , with great persuasion, I agreed and the rest u know what happen."

Arnav softened, the hardness in his eyes melting away. "I'm sorry, my moon-eye rabbit. I didn't know it was you. And how dare Aman call me khadoos? I wasn't angry because you wore that dress or walked the ramp. you were amazing, I just don't like other men staring at you. You know how I am-I don't like to share. And you are mine, my moon-eyed rabbit, and I would never share you with anyone."

Khushi looked into his eyes, seeing the depth of his feelings laid bare. In that moment, the walls between them crumbled, replaced by a bond forged in shared pain and newfound understanding. They held each other tightly, knowing that together, they could face any darkness their pasts might hold.

A/n :- I know it's a short update no I didn't open up all cards their still many secrets look around I just laid basic structure of the story in front of you and yes it will take more 4-5 chapter to end the basic, but it's important for future secrets or you can say related!

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