Chapter : 9

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The Return to Raizada Mansion-I

An Elder Judgement

As the afternoon sun cast its golden glow over the sprawling Raizada estate, the brothers, Arnav and Akash, approached the mansion, their hearts heavy with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Each held the hand of his newly wedded wife—Arnav with the spirited and graceful looking Khushi and Akash with the cultured and stiff looking Payal. They paused, hearing the familiar voices of their 'Grandma' and 'Nani,' echoing through the courtyard. It was a rare moment when both brothers felt the weight of family expectations pressing down on them.

Their anticipation grew as they neared the grand entrance, and soon enough, the elder of the Raizada family, Devyani Raizada, stepped out. Her presence was as commanding as ever, though softened by the sight of her pet goat, Laxmi, trotting beside her. The air grew tense when she spoke, her voice carrying a mix of shock and sternness.

"I never expected this from either of you, especially you, Chote," she addressed Arnav directly, using his childhood nickname. Her gaze shifted between the two brothers. "I was hurt when Anjali told me about your marriages. I would have supported your decisions and arranged the weddings myself. But you both denied me the chance to attend my own grandchildren's ceremonies." Her voice firm, filled with hurt she added, "I won't accept these marriages as they are, and you are not entering this house today."

Akash, visibly panicked, stepped forward. "Grandma, please understand. We had to marry this way due to some difficult circumstances. If it were up to me, I would have loved for you to arrange our wedding."

Arnav, sensing Khushi's nervousness through her sweaty palm, gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. He knew his 'Nani' well enough to discern that her stern facade concealed a deeper intention. He waited patiently, his eyes steady on her, anticipating her next move.

Devyani, observing Arnav's calm demeanor, realized he had already seen through her ploy. Not one to drag matters unnecessarily, she softened her stance. "Alright, Akash," she said with a hint of a smile, "I will fulfill your wish. Both of you will get married again today, in front of the whole family. Tomorrow, we will host a reception to explain your sudden marriages. Arnav, you and Akash will need to create convincing stories."

Relief washed over the group. Khushi overwhelmed with gratitude, rushed to seek Devyani's blessings, hugging her tightly and seeing her action Payal follow suit. After blessing her granddaughters-in-law, Devyani instructed her grandsons, "Take them to rest in your apartments. After the proper marriages and rituals, they will be welcomed into this house with honor."

The brothers nodded, expressing their thanks. Arnav, with a meaningful glance, indicated he wished to speak with his 'Nani' privately. As they departed, Khushi spoke up, her voice filled with admiration. "Arnav, your 'Nani' is so kind. I can feel her warmth even in this brief meeting."

Arnav smiled, his voice softening. "Yes, Khushi, she is the heart of this family. Everything I am is because of her. She saved my life and shaped my future."

Khushi placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with concern. "But we only decided to get married on June 14th, which is six months and 20 days away. What should we do now?"

Arnav chuckled at her innocent confusion. "No, Khushi, we'll manage. We signed the marriage papers, but I asked Aman to hold them. Our lawyer will ensure that the day we have our proper wedding, the marriage will be legalized. Technically, we're not legally married yet, but in spirit, we've been bound together since childhood."

Khushi gasped, touched by Arnav's thoughtfulness, mirage of different experiences playing on her face from shocked, confused, realization to shyness. Arnav laughing at Khushi's cute antics, he kissed her cheek lightly. But again she remembered their recent intimacy and felt a surge of emotion. Arnav, sensing her turmoil, reassured her, "We did nothing wrong, my love. If the papers matter to you, I'll legalize our marriage today. But I wanted our wedding day to be special."

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