Chapter Three

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"Not really."

You scoffed loudly while she just went back to perusing over her choices for food, and you stared her down in disbelief, waiting for the truth.

"I can handle the truth, Nat," You sat back with a frown, almost pouting, and she didn't miss the reference to the movie, "You think she's fit and I'm just a love handle having, disrespectfully kinky, washed up, old hag."

"Wow," She let out a sigh of disbelief, widening her eyes for a moment, and then she lowered her menu to the table, looking at you better, "You really think I see you like that?"

"No, I'm impossibly sexy," You shrugged, and she smiled, nodding a bit in agreement until you added, "But maybe I'm boring."

"Far from it, baby." She mumbled as you continued.

"She can make you laugh, give you babies..." You added the second part quietly, readjusting the napkin on your lap as she watched you.

"You ladies ready to order?" The waiter suddenly asked, but Natasha kept her eyes on you as you forced a smile up at him.

"Yeah, I'll have a lemonade and the club sandwich with fries, please."

"I'll have the same." Natasha barely told him, handing him her menu a bit aggressively since she was anxious to get back to your guys' conversation and you just sipped your water.

"Sure, I'll be back in a moment with your drinks."

"Thank you!" You beamed at him and he left, but Natasha stayed silent until you let your face fall, going to play with the tablecloth, her heart breaking over your sad eyes.

"Hey," She cooed, reaching over the table to take your hand in hers, "Having a kid with you is definitely something I would love, but if it doesn't happen?" She waited for you to meet her eyes and she smiled softly when you did, "It doesn't matter, because I already have all I could ever need, okay?"

"Yeah," You nodded, returning the smile and she ran her thumb over your hand, but you couldn't help but to huff, "And I wasn't jealous, if that's what you were thinking."

"No?" She mused lightly, teasing lacing her tone.

"Nah, you can't leave me," You looked away smugly with a sniff, "Because I've got my receipt and this?" You raised your left hand where your wedding ring sat, "I glued this puppy to my skin, so good luck ripping it from my self-healing flesh."

"Honestly," She shook her head with a small smile, "At this point, I believe you actually glued it to yourself."

"Yeah, I had just been messing around," You grimaced down at your hand, "But then it got real sticky, real fast, but speaking of last night, I was thinking maybe-"

"Here we are." The waiter came over with your drinks and after thanking him, you turned back to your redhead.

"Wasn't there something you wanted to talk to me about though?" You remembered out loud.

"Yes," She shifted a little in her seat and you raised your eyebrows as she took both of your hands in hers on top of the table, "But it's about Amanda."

"I thought it was Amy."

"That's the shortened version she prefers." She waved it off like she had known the girl for years and it wasn't a big deal.

"Okay..." You trailed off cautiously, wondering what was to come, and kind of liking how she didn't use the name this newbie preferred.

"She was working undercover for Hydra," She ignored your groaning and eye roll just by the mere mention of those dick monkeys, "In Croatia and has a huge lead on a massive base that connects to..."

She went on about the mission that basically could be summed up in a few less words than she said, but you couldn't blame her, she loved her work, and the idea she could go in to kick some ass got your deadly wife very excited.

But it was just another line on a Hydra base that has connections to other mini bases like they're the children of this daddy base. And all you were hearing throughout this whole explanation was that she was going to be taking a trip there with Amanda and some other agents as well as Clint, Steve, and Tony.

"How long?" You asked just as the food came and she had finished.

"Three weeks, maybe more."

It was always the same.

You guys had only been married for about eight months, but in that time, she's taken weeklong missions pretty much every other week.

And it was harder these days because things were different.

"That's two appointments," You couldn't help but to think out loud, never one that was able to hide their disappointment that well, and you nodded more to yourself as you forced a smile, "Okay, we'll make it work, it'll be fine."

"You know..." She trailed off sadly as you bit into your sandwich, "You say that exact thing every time I tell you I have to leave."

"And we always make it work." You shrugged with a pursed smile, hating how it always leaves a tight feeling in your chest whenever she even talks about leaving, and you gave up a long time ago trying to hide how you were feeling from her.

"Maybe you could skip those appointments and come with me, Fury said-"

"Yeah, Furball and I aren't on good terms."

"Again?" She sighed, eating her fries between talking, "What'd you do this time?"

"I was coming into the room and he was sitting there, not having noticed me yet," You saw the wince she gave you, knowing something was coming, "So, I kind of pulled the strap on his patch and let it snap back on his head from behind – as a greeting!"

"Babe." She groaned, covering her face with her hands, and chuckling quietly because imagining that happening was kind of funny.

"So, it surprises me that he'd invite me on this mission."

"He told me yesterday he wanted you on this," She admitted, "It's why I wanted you to come in today," You gave her a look of betrayal, but she ignored it, "And selfishly, I want you to come because I don't think I can be away from you for that long, a week at a time is torture enough."

"Damn, I must be good in bed." You smirked teasingly and she laughed, shaking her head.

"Must be that." She smiled, scrunching her nose up at you, and you found it way too adorable to deny her anything in that moment.

"Yeah, could be fun." You nodded a few times, reaching for your drink, and wiggling your eyebrows over at her.

"You're going to be the death of me." She groaned with a smile, shaking her head, and you laughed, winking at her after you spoke again.

"Oh, love, as long as I'm around, you're not going anywhere."

Special Touch Part: ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now