Chapter Eleven

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"Bucky, you've been such an ass lately, why're you even coming with us?" You asked him bluntly as you packed your stuff up next to Natasha and the soldier stood in your bedroom doorway, his suitcases already by the front door.

"Like I'm going to leave you guys in your situation." He scoffed, crossing his arms.

"You think I can't protect my own wife, Barnes?" Natasha cocked an eyebrow, the hand she had on your elbow, tightening its grip.

"God, I missed you and your little hot-headed protectiveness." You muttered and she smiled softly out of Bucky's view as you both kept your backs to him.

You finished zipping up your suitcase after plopping down on it, the baby weight coming in handy, and then Natasha quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Do you mind at least giving us a minute?" Her question had some bite to it and all three of you knew it wasn't really a request.

"Fine," He huffed, "I'll be outside."

"You're still dropping Ollie off with Cory and Val, right?" You asked as he turned to leave.

"Yeah, yeah." He waved you off and you let out a small sigh of relief before turning towards your redhead.

"I should've been here." She whispered, her eyes flickering to where she had her hands on your middle up to your eyes.

After Sam and Happy left – that's right, Bucky stayed the night – Natasha came home the next morning and you explained everything. Something about honesty and communication keeping a marriage together or some bullshit, you blamed Oprah. And by Oprah, you meant Cory, because they're the one who actually watched the show.

She was shocked, to say the least, and she insisted on coming with you to Wakanda even if they did end up putting you under. She highly doubted they would, but you were adamant and once you brought it up, she refused to argue with a pregnant woman.

"Hey, come on," You nudged her side with yours, a playful smile crossing your lips, "Could be worse," Once she shot you a look with a tight smile, you added, "So, yeah, I kind of would like to murder the world sometimes, but hey, at least I'm pretty."

"Wow," She tried to sound put off, but she couldn't help chuckling, and then she pulled you in for a hug, "I love you and them very much," She kept her arms around you as the baby kicked against you both, making her smile and you knew it only did that when you guys hugged, "So, we'll get you through this, okay? more murdering."

"I would like to murder this ass," You slapped both your hands down on her backside, making her jump a bit in surprise, and then squeezed it with a cheeky smile, "But I guess it can wait."

You sighed deeply, pouting when she pulled back, and she cupped your cheeks in your hands – ha, kind of like you were doing to her still – but then she placed the sweetest kiss to your lips. She poured everything she could into it, your hands grazing her hips instead, and she hummed into your mouth. You kissed her back just as sweetly but refused to let her go as your eyebrows furrowed, because no matter what crap you said, she knew you were scared and worried about the baby. She could see it in your eyes and the way you kept making little comments or cheeky jokes, but she wanted to let you know she had you.

A couple hours later and the three of you were heading off to Wakanda, having been picked up by the king himself since he had been heading back anyway.

"So, is it really just a suit or do you like turn into a cat yourself?" You couldn't help but to ask from where you sat on the jet and Natasha shot you a warning glance as Bucky sighed deeply, tempted to apologize for you, "What? I'm just curious if he purrs."

"I do not...purr." He stated plainly, obviously confused and a bit disturbed by the question.

"Fair enough," You nodded and then after a long moment of silence, you blew a raspberry, tapping your knees with your fingertips impatiently, hating the silence, "But do you have claws like Wolverine?"

"Who-?" Natasha asked with furrowed eyebrows, cutting herself off.

"I wear a suit." He told you, but you didn't miss the slight amusement in his voice.

"Y/n, please leave him alone, you're being rude." Bucky scolded and you gave him a childish face that he returned almost immediately.

"And you're being a prick, but I don't call you out on it."

"Well maybe I have a reason for wanting this to work out." He snapped, leaning forward on his elbows, but even though he was irritated, his voice was still softer than normal with you.

"So, I don't kill you?" You smirked and he shook his head with a smile, looking down.

"There's something he's not telling us." Natasha observed out loud, narrowing her eyes on the super soldier.

"She's right." T'Challa spoke up and you raised your eyebrows at them before you put your attention back on Bucky who seemed to have physically tensed under the accusations.

"What is it?" You couldn't help but to whisper and he let out a deep breath, but you found yourself scooting forward in your seat, "Bucky, come on, you can tell me."

"Really can't, doll." He mumbled, sitting back with a frown, and he looked off to the side as his head rested against the back of his chair, avoiding your eyes.

"So, you're just a prick and a bitch, then?" You challenged, knowing how to rile the soldier up enough where-

"What did you just say?" His attention snapped to you.

"Y/n." Natasha muttered, thinking you took it too far, and you knew you did, but you were about to take it further.

"You can keep your little secrets, Jimmy," You taunted him, "But you're heading back once we land because I don't want to be around you and your fragile bitch ass acting like some whiny dickbag who couldn't even-"

"The kid's mine!" He blurted out angrily and you froze.

The whole place fell silent, and you had to force yourself to close your mouth, but Natasha wasn't doing that.

"What the hell did you just say?" She gruffly asked him, and he had wide eyes that stayed glued to yours, too afraid to face your assassin, but then she was turning towards you, "You guys didn't..."

"Oh, god!" You exclaimed with a cringe, shaking your head, "No, no, no! No way, oh my god, no. Hell to the no, no, no."

"That's like six no's," Bucky grumbled, swiping a hand down his face, "She gets it sweetheart, you'd never sleep with me."

"I would never cheat!" You corrected exasperatedly.

"So..." Natasha trailed off, believing you wouldn't do that, and she knew she didn't really have to ask, but it crossed her mind as she blurted it out, "How then?"

"Y/n told me you guys were trying," He started explaining and you gaped at him the entire time, but Natasha just grew angrier as he spoke, so you had to push her hand away when she reached for her gun as he added, "But I couldn't let some stranger knock her up, so I went to the gyno's and kind know."

"That's disgusting." You cringed in realization.

"And illegal." T'Challa added, secretly kind of enjoying this, that naughty man.

"Barnes, what the actual fuck??" Natasha spat, reaching for her knife this time, and you had to swipe it before she could, placing it on the other side of you.

"Please, don't kill me." He shook his head with wide eyes.

"You're – oh, fuck!" You cried out as a wave of pain hit your stomach and Natasha's expression changed in a flash as she turned to you.

"Baby, what is it? What's happening?"

"Might wanna land this bird now, your highness," You called out, clutching your middle, "This baby is coming whether we want it to or not – and fuck you, James," You shot him a glare that made him freeze in place as he got up to help, "Fuck you very much for all this."

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