Chapter Thirty-Five

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BC and Bucky took Cory out for ice cream so that you and Natasha could have some time alone.

"What could she have meant by 'carbon copy'?"

And you told her every detail because fucking Oprah.

"I don't know," You sighed deeply, already frustrated and exhausted by this whole ordeal, "Maybe of my parents or it could be someone from Hydra? I'm just so tired of losing people."

"I know," She cooed, running her hand through your hair as you used her lap as a pillow, "But I think she meant your brother."

"Oh, so she already knew Cory is gay and a ball of sunshine? She was smarter than I thought."

"Did your brother...have abilities too?" She asked carefully, knowing it was always a touchy subject.

"No," You frowned, picking at the couch cushion as you faced away from her on your side, "He was just...he knew I did, but I kind of think that was a sibling thing because I knew a lot about him before he even did too."

"You told me some," She hummed, and you let out a deep breath, "Was there more?"

"Just little things," You smiled to yourself, "Like how much he wanted a family, he..." You let your eyes fall shut, "He wanted the life I got, and now he'll never have it."

"That's not your fault," She insisted, knowing how much you blamed yourself for his death, wishing you could've prevented it, "And he'd be so happy to see you living the way he wanted to because it was a dream for him."

"We always said it was us against the world, I never wanted a family until I met you, but I just wanted him to get one because it'd make him happy – a husband with six kids, he wanted so many kids," You laughed, but it was half a sob, and you knew you were kind of rambling, but it felt good to talk about him like this, "He always told me that he wanted a house filled with laughter for the rest of his life."

"That's beautiful." She whispered lowly and you got up to sit next to her, her head resting on yours as yours went to her shoulder, and then she wrapped an arm around you.

"I wish he was here, I wish he could meet you and Cory and just...I just want to see his smile again."

"I know, baby," She turned to kiss the top of your head, "And I'm so sorry."

"And then with Valerie..." You trailed off, widening your eyes and shaking your head a bit as you sat up again.

"I didn't do a background check on your friends," She muttered, feeling ashamed, "I should've done it sooner."

"You're saying you've done checks since? I literally have one friend left."

"And they're clear." She shrugged casually, but you were gaping at her in amusement.

"You actually – wow, Ash, I'd think you were actually worried about me or something." You teased and she smiled.

"Yeah, well," She chuckled and then pulled you closer, "I'm allowed to be as the wife."

You laid back on the couch and she laid half on top of you between your legs, her head resting on your chest, listening to your heartbeat, letting it soothe her. You ran your fingers through her hair and your other hand held her close, wanting to keep her there. She hummed contently and kissed your arm, the closest place she could reach, and you smiled at how she looked in your arms, just in her sweats.

"I love you." You whispered, thinking maybe she dozed off for a moment, but then she spoke again.

"I love you too and I've got you, okay?" She kissed you again, "You save me, I save you."

"If I didn't have you and all this happened," You let out a shaky breath, not even wanting to imagine that, "I don't think I could've survived it, so believe me, Nat, you save me all the time."

She moved up to face you, kissing you properly as soon as she did, and you wrapped her in a hug as you kissed her back. It was slow and passionate, not heading anywhere or super heated, just the two of you feeling the other against yourselves. You could kiss her forever and never get tired of it, but humanity has yet figured out a way to not need oxygen, so you were forced to pull back after a bit.

"Bedroom?" She asked and you raised your eyebrows, noticing how dark her eyes had become and how she was now gripping your waist possessively.

So, maybe it was more heated than you thought.

"Like I'm ever gonna say no to that." You huffed out a short laugh and she chuckled, scrambling to get up.

She grabbed your hand and led the two of you up the stairs, into the master bedroom. It was probably your favorite room at this point, and it always made you feel warm and safe. Nothing bad ever happened in here, only some of your best memories.

Everything from having Natasha in your arms under the covers, late mornings with breakfast in bed, walking in and out of the bathroom when you both were trying to get ready in a hurry, talking about future plans or just dreams late into the night, and just talking out of your asses when drunk, Ollie snuggled at your feet. The engagement had to be the ultimate highlight, your badass of honor at your side while you asked the most important question you would ever ask to the love of your life. But even the times when Cory came running in because he had a nightmare or there was a spider, or he just felt lonely or even the few times he came to steal Ollie away because he preferred a silent partner when it came to telling his wild, imaginative stories.

Or when you first found out you were pregnant – officially.

"Are you peeing?" Natasha called into the bathroom from where she stood in the bedroom with a knock on the door and you huffed.

"Way to keep some mystery between us, Romanoff."

"Sue me, I'm excited." She whined and you rolled your eyes with a smile, emerging from the room with the stick, holding it with a hand towel.

"Three minutes."

"You don't sound too happy about it." She crossed her arms, narrowing her accusatory eyes on you.

"This isn't our first rodeo or even our fifth, aren't you tired of being disappointed?"

"You never know." She shrugged and you sent her a look.

"You always get that sad look in your eyes when it comes out negative."

"Well, yeah," She admitted, "I mean, I want to have a baby with you so badly."

You kind of melted at the sincerity and desperation in her voice, even if that was already obvious with how many times you've been trying this with her, and you leaned over to kiss her. She happily met you halfway and you almost forgot about the test altogether until the timer on your phone went off. She pulled away with wide eyes that flicked from your face to the stick and then back again.

"You check." You held it out and she carefully took it.

"You sure?" She was trying not to peek until she knew you didn't care.

"Yes, of course." You nodded with a soft smile, and she returned it before looking to the stick.

"Oh my god." But you couldn't read her expression.

"Another negative?" You guessed, biting your lip after, and cringing slightly.

"No, baby, it's positive!" She cheered, still holding the stick as she wrapped her arms around you, only pulling back to litter your face in kisses, and you giggled.

"Really?" You laughed, too happy to care how dumb the question was.

"My baby is having my baby," She gushed, kissing you firmly on the lips, and then she mumbled against them, "I love you so damn much, Y/n Romanoff, and you better not forget it."

"Even if I had amnesia, I wouldn't be able to because you remind me too much." You teased before kissing her again, muffling her groan.

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