Chapter Four

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After you dropped off Ollie at Cory and Val's place, you packed everything you would need for a few weeks, and then headed over to the tower with Natasha.

It was always an uncomfortable atmosphere the moment you stepped foot into the tower, but you were friends with many people inside, so it wasn't that bad once you saw a familiar face or two. The rest still saw you as a liability and a lot of them were friends with Andrew Logan – the dude you exploded in that cabin after he shot Scott lang and after Loki killed the driver – so it was always uneasy around them. Almost like they were waiting for you to make one wrong move just to give them an excuse to unload their weapon into your chest.

A fatal shot like that could kill you and your powers would shut down when your body did, so you most likely wouldn't survive.

Other injuries weren't an issue and when it came to bringing back those who died, it turned out there was a time limit of about two days before even all the power you had couldn't bring them back. You had tested all of this for a few months after Lang and you wanted to bring the toaster back for Wanda, but you were just glad you hadn't told her your intention because her hopes would've just been crushed.

"Ready to go, slow hands?" Tony greeted you, throwing his arm over your shoulders as he walked with you into the jet, and Natasha went to run things over with Clint and Steve.

"Yeah but isn't-" You cut yourself off when Amanda walked out onto the platform and Tony must've felt you tense beside him.

He followed your eyeline when you practically craned your neck to see her happily go up to the trio and start talking because he couldn't help but to smirk.

"Didn't peg you as the jealous type, thought that was more Romanoff."

"I don't trust the new one." You admitted lowly so only he heard you as he took a seat, playing pilot for the trip, and you stood behind him, leaning an arm on the back of the chair.

"Me neither." He admitted, eyeing the blonde laughing at something Steve said from out the window.

"Really? Why?" You asked, sounding as surprised as you were.

"I can't explain it, but," He let out a deep breath as they made their way over to the jet, "There's something off about her."

There wasn't time for you to ask any more questions or even let him know you agreed before the team was boarding the jet and you had to buckle up.

"Hey, I don't think we've met yet." Amanda smiled to you as you guys sat across from each other, Natasha on your side while Clint was on her other and Steve sat up front with Tony as a handful of agents sat further down the jet together.

"Amanda, right?" You asked rhetorically, outstretching your hand for her to take after she nodded, "I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you."

She smiled sweetly, but refused your hand with a small wave, and you furrowed your eyebrows at her before retracting it to your lap.

"I've heard so much about you," She grinned and to you, it felt fake, but nobody else mentioned it or looked put off, "It's good you decided to go on this mission with us."

"Yeah, speaking of," Your voice went a little higher and Natasha raised her eyebrows as you leaned forward on your elbows, eyes on the newbie as your assassin's attention went to you, "How long were you working undercover for before Steve found you?"

"I didn't exa-" Steve started, but she was quick to cut him off, and you wanted so badly to share a look with Stark when she did.

"Fourteen years."

You let out a low whistle, sitting back with raised eyebrows, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, looking away until you spoke again.

"And they never discovered you? Or you didn't once think you had had enough?"

"I wanted to be sure." She shrugged, thinking that answer would suffice since it had up until this point, but you weren't a typical SHIELD agent or Fury or someone who was blinded by their rage towards Hydra.

"Sure of what?"

"Sure that I had enough to take them down, but not without help." She told you, avoiding your eyes now, and clearing her throat.

"It's not like we need proof to kill Hydra agents," You scoffed with a small laugh, narrowing your eyes on hers when they met your own, "Hydra is bad, they stop the bad, so why not retreat as soon as you confirmed it was Hydra? Makes little sense to me."

"Ten minutes." Steve called back and you always forgot how fast the Quinjet was when it didn't feel like it from the inside.

"Am I being interrogated?" She scoffed, trying to make it come off casual, but then she was crossing her arms defensively, and you continued to watch her reactions closely as she spoke, but you weren't the only one who noticed her guard going up as you felt Natasha tense next to you, "I went through hell, followed their orders, and I was by myself. I didn't have some organization like SHIELD backing me and-"

"Yeah, why is that?" You cut her off and Natasha put a hand on your thigh in attempt to slow you down because this was their only lead, but you felt something off and couldn't help yourself, "Why would some girl with gifts and what were you – nineteen, when you went in? Why would a teenage girl with illusionary powers infiltrate a suspected Hydra base on her own just to help prove they were criminals?"

The jet became pen drop silent, the engines the only sound whirring underneath it, but even that was a low hum, and everyone waited for Amanda's response like they couldn't continue breathing without it.

And her answer wasn't one that gave you any peace of mind.

"Why would a girl with untapped power just go around healing minor scars or wounds when she could've been saving real lives with an organization like SHIELD a decade ago?" She shot back and you knew you had her.

Because nobody diverts a question like that unless they're hiding something big.

You just prayed it wouldn't bite you in the ass.

But of course, it would.

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