Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"It wasn't a dud mission."

The two of you were wrapped up in the same sheet, your leg draped over hers as you drew little shapes onto her bare chest with the tip of your finger. It was hours later, and you were both covered in a light sheen of sweat, warm skin touching each other like it was never meant to be apart. Your face was resting on her shoulder as you leaned in closer, kissing her neck slowly, and you hummed in response, wanting her to continue, but praying she wouldn't break this spell.

Her warm hand held your thigh that came up to her hip and she rubbed circles with her thumb across the skin, a subconscious movement that she probably didn't even realize she was doing. She slowly turned her head to face you the same time you pulled back slightly to be able to look into her soft, dangerous eyes.

"Was it bad?" You whispered when she didn't continue and she took a deep breath, part of her not wanting to break this moment either, but another part of her just didn't want to disappoint or upset you.

"It was a Hydra base," She admitted, and you immediately tensed, remembering what Bruce had told you days before, "And it wasn't in Germany."

"Okay," You nodded to yourself, breaking the eye contact as your mind whirled, "Where was it then?"

She gripped your leg protectively, wanting you to know she was there and that she wouldn't let this – whatever this is, hurt you.


"In the states?" You blurted hastily, peering up at her again, and searching her eyes, "You were – you didn't even leave the country? And Maine? Why – oh my god."

You were already getting up, pulling out of her hold, and then turning to sit up in bed. You grabbed your tee shirt from where it was thrown on the nightstand and slipped it on hastily before pulling your underwear on, standing up.

"Baby, please don't be upset." Her voice was hurt, but you ignored it as you walked to the door, and she was getting up to follow.

"You lied to me," You spun around, and she froze where she was at the side of the bed, "You lied to me and you were just in Maine this whole time?" You scoffed with a mix of disgust and disbelief, "Because what? My mom was involved with Hydra and ran a base up there?" You guessed and she was surprised by how spot on you had been, but it wasn't news to you, "Yeah, it's not like after everything I didn't do my research, Natasha!"

You left, slamming the door behind you, and breathing heavily.

"What is this?" Bruce asked when you barged into the lab and put two vials in front of the doctor, "Is that blood?"

"Oh, so now you're suddenly squeamish?" You smirked teasingly and he raised his eyebrows, finally meeting your eyes, "Okay, so I need you to test them...but keep it hush hush."

"It'll go through SHIELD's database," He was saying, walking away to continue whatever he was doing when you came in, "If I test them, there's no way of keeping it from them."

You huffed, staring down at your fate with confliction.

Natasha's been gone for almost a week and you were getting restless. You hadn't talked to her for almost two days and the texts you got were brief. You knew she was busy, but you missed her and the longer you were left alone, the harder it was to avoid the inevitable.

"Fine," You nodded to him and he glanced over curiously, "Run them anyway, just don't tell them who asked for the request."

"I don't think-"

"Look, I know we aren't super close, and you've saved my ass on more than one occasion, but Bruce – I really need your help here."

"I was only going to say, I don't think they'll question it since I'm constantly running tests every day on different things."

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