Chapter Thirty-Ate

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After everything, all the death, the fighting, the confusion, and the messes, you might've found a small corner of a happy ending. Something to put a smile on your face every morning because even though you had a million reasons to let the darkness swallow you, you never did. And you didn't let it because not only did you have an amazing family, but you were stronger than you had been when you had first started using your abilities. You learned how to cope, how to fight, how to stand up for yourself, and how to appreciate what you have instead of trying to seek out something different. The lessons or whatever might sound cliché or maybe something many people already know how to do, but for you, it was new and there are plenty of others still learning, but they'll get there eventually. None of this was a race or some kind of test, it's just life and constant growth and learning is a part of it all.

Seriously, Oprah, fuck you.

That whole thing was weirdly deep because your best friend is obsessed with that woman.

Honestly wish Josh would hit you with his car all over again.

But this time finish the job.

Just kidding.

...Or am I?

(For legal reasons, this is a joke.)

"There's no way in hell that works."

"No, I'm telling you," You insisted, "The fridge light went out and I just," You put your hand up, palm straight out, "Fixed it."

"You're telling me," Bucky fished his phone out of his pocket, "If this broke, you could-"

You cut him off by slapping it out of his hand and it landed on the hard floor with a cringe worthy clang.

"Watch." You bent down to retrieve it as he gaped at you, his expression soon turning to anger when he noticed his phone's screen had cracked.

"You did not just break my fucking phone." He growled out and you raised your eyebrows at how dark his voice had gotten.

"Calm down, Robocop," You hovered your hand over the phone as you held it in the other and a golden color appeared, but then it disappeared just as fast and you handed it back to him without even checking to see if it had worked, "And ta-da!"

"Holy crap, you weren't kidding." He sounded more impressed than angry now, so you took that as a win.

"Just don't tell Tony," You muttered next to him and then he laughed when you continued, "He'll never let me leave this place and I don't wanna get to know FRIDAY that intimately if her system goes haywire or something."

"I'm actually surprised you're letting Cory train at the tower," You had both started heading down to the gym again as he spoke, "Thought you'd be way too protective of the kid to do that."

"I want him to embrace his abilities and I figured this was the safest way," You shrugged and soon enough you were both entering the room, immediately spotting Natasha in the ring with Cory, practicing his boxing technique, "Plus, he's pretty badass like his other mom."

He smiled warmly at you before following your eyeline, watching them spar, and then he crossed his arms as you both stood on the sidelines to observe for a bit.

But he was so full of strength and energy that he did eventually tire Natasha out, not being half superhuman or having the healing capabilities like he did, so Steve tapped in to switch places with her. She gracefully climbed out of the ring and took her gloves off before joining your side.

You noticed Happy was already on the other side of the ring, panting heavily and chugging down his water bottle, so you put it together that Natasha wasn't even Cory's first sparring partner, making a small smile of amusement creep up on your face.

"He's good," Natasha told you, out of breath, and watching him just like you guys were, "A natural talent in everything he tries."

"Sounds like someone I know." You smirked, nudging her side playfully, and she smiled brightly.

"And he can already bench as much as Steve can."

"So, a fucking helicopter?" You asked in a mix of shock and disbelief.

"No way." Bucky shook his head, refusing to believe it.

"It wouldn't surprise me at this point." Natasha told you both easily.

"Damn, he's still not even half his size though." You thought out loud.

"Yeah, I've noticed." Natasha agreed.

Bucky seemed to take that all as some sort of a challenge, approaching the ring for a better look, and you rolled your eyes with a smile, not bothering to mention it.

You moved over to wrap your arms around Natasha, and she leaned back into you, making you smile, burying your face into her hair. You kissed her neck lightly and she held your arms close to her chest.

"Uncle Bucky, do you wanna join Uncle Steve?" Cory asked cheerfully, adding the next bit sounding a little guilty, "I think he's getting tired."

"He's not bad." Steve told Bucky, but you chuckled when you heard it more as a warning.

"Yeah, little man, show me what you got." Bucky nodded before climbing up to join them.

"Between his abilities and being trained by the famous Black Widow quite thoroughly," You mumbled next to her ear, "Those vets don't stand a chance."

"It'll be entertaining as hell to see them try though." She muttered and you laughed, turning your head away because it was quite loud, but when you face ahead again, you kissed her temple affectionately.

Your arms went around her waist and she hummed, blinking slowly as she felt more and more relaxed in your hold, but she was soon raising her eyebrows with wide eyes when you whispered something to her,

"I want another one."


"Yeah," You kissed her cheek quickly, "What do you think?"

She paused, biting her lip to fight back a huge grin that threatened to take over her face, and then you smiled widely when she started nodding.

"Yes," She took her eyes off Cory and turned in your hold to cup your cheeks, pulling you in for a sweet kiss, mumbling against your lips, "Yeah, let's have a few more."

"A f-few?" You were surprised by the response and she chuckled, making your anxiety melt away instantly, a smile capturing your features again.

"I want to have all your babies." She smirked, a hint of a blush brushing over her cheeks.

"You're just freaking wonderful," You sighed happily, and she kissed you again, your hold on her waist tightening possessively, making her groan into it, but when you pulled back, you whispered a soft, "And I love you so much."

"I love you too, feathers."

The End.

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