Chapter Sixxx

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When it comes to average illusions, from what Wanda has told you, there's always a kill switch when they're not witches or warlocks or using that type of magic. The thing about illusions is that the creator has to be nearby or involved in said fictious world and that made you realize that Amanda had been following you this whole time in order to stall or more likely, find out where Natasha and Steve had gone.

So, she threw up an illusion that would keep you in place, knowing you wouldn't want to walk away from your family, and she used it as a stall tactic in order to give Hydra more time to find you. Because once she realized you had as much of an idea as to where the soldier and assassin went, she figured it was about time to use you as bait instead.

Or they'd kill you, but either way, she wins.

You raised your hands above your head after dropping the gun to the floor and offered them a weak smile. They didn't seem amused as a couple of them went up to you, jamming the butt of their guns into your middle, and you doubled over, the wind being knocked out of you.

You were trying to catch your breath, clutching your middle as you knew a few ribs were cracked, but healed quickly, and the bruising wasn't being patched up as swiftly. Your power tank was running low with how much you've had to use it on this one mission, and you were trying to slow it down in case you needed it when you found Steve and Natasha.

They dragged you down the hallway, their guns on you the whole time, and you just focused on where you were going, ignoring Tony screaming instructions in your ear.

He wanted you to run or to start fighting, but he didn't know there were a dozen agents, and they'd probably lead you to Natasha and Steve or at least one of them.

Oddly enough, it was your only lead.

But to your luck, they threw you in a dark, empty cell instead, completely encased in metal, and the only opening to the outside world was through a small slot on the door that they quickly closed after leaving.

"Any time now, Iron Man." You muttered, a slight case of claustrophobia making your voice come out a bit shaky, and your breathing was shallow.

But it wasn't empty.

"Y/n?" Steve's broken voice came from the other side and your attention snapped to his tear-stained face, his red rimmed eyes, and then to the smaller body in his arms as your eyes adjusted to the dark.

Your heart stopped when you processed the woman dressed in black, her red hair a sharp contrast to the suit, and your heart started up again, much faster, when your eyes flicked to the soldier's shiny blue ones.

"I can only get in from the south, are you clear?"

"No, no, no, no." You muttered as you shook your head, rushing over to them when you could get your legs moving again, and slid onto your knees at his side.

"Are you clear?" Tony repeated, a little more urgently, into your ear.

"Enough." You told him firmly, going to press your hand to her cheek, and then you crouched down a little, bracing for the impact of the explosion as you tried to cover her body with yours.

But it never came.

"Why would a girl with untapped power just go around healing minor scars or wounds when she could've been saving real lives with an organization like SHIELD a decade ago?"

And you were back on the Quinjet, sitting across from Amanda like you had hours earlier.

You looked to your right, following the hand that was on your thigh, up to the woman's face who was stoic, but you could read your own wife by now like a book, and you took her hand off of you, something you hadn't done the first time.

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