Chapter Ten

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"The fuck did you just say?" Bucky snapped and Sam put his hand up in an attempt to calm him down, but the super soldier swatted it away quite aggressively, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Barnes." Happy warned, concern written all over his face, but Bucky was just plain pissed.

"You think it doesn't bother me?" You shot back, standing up to face him, "You think I like this feeling? The high and then relief when I killed them? It's not like doing cocaine!" You gestured to the wall, "I want it to stop, Buck, I do, but-"

"No!" He cut you off angrily, his brows furrowed, and a solid frown on his face, "You don't get a choice, you just stop."

"I don't think it's that simple." Sam gritted out, his eyes flicking from the brooding man to you.

"We should get you some help." Happy nodded, already pulling his phone out.

"Or..." You shrugged innocently as Happy punched in a contact and put the phone to his ear, "Maybe we just brush this under the rug, call today a win, and move on?"

"You call that a win?" Sam pointed to the wall with a look of disbelief and Bucky was fuming on the spot, "Because I call that crossing a line."

"In a fun way?" You tried with a high voice and he cocked an eyebrow, looking the least bit amused.

"Not this time, sweetheart." He shook his head and you sighed as Happy hung up the phone.

"Stop flirting with me, Samuel, I'm not only married, but I'm with child for fucksake!"

"Have some dignity," Happy scolded him, not having caught the entire conversation, and you chuckled as Sam gaped at him, but before he could respond, Hogan was already glancing back at you, "I have an idea."

"All ears, big man." You gestured for him to continue and he huffed before looking around at the three of you.


"Are you out of your damn mind?" Sam shook his head, crossing his arms, "We can't ship her off to-"

"That just might work." Bucky nodded and you raised your eyebrows at him, surprised he decided to speak up again while Sam turned to throw his arms out.

"We'll never hear from her!"

"Would they put me under?" You asked quietly, rubbing over your middle, "Will they let the baby ride on a huge cat? Because if so – what?" You cut yourself off when you caught their looks, "I've never been but the dude's name is Black Panther, so I kind of assumed..."

"That 'dude' is their king." Bucky snapped and you rolled your eyes.

"My bad, white wolf," You smirked, "Didn't realize I was in mixed company, and by that I mean, someone crushing on the king."

"Ha, she's got you there," Sam chuckled pointing to Bucky who grumbled something and Happy rolled his eyes in annoyance, "What? You've definitely got a hard o-"

"Enough." Happy pleaded incredulously.

"Sam, you're disgusting," You shook your head, looking down in disappointment, and then added, "It's clearly love, not lust."

"Oh, my god." Bucky groaned and Sam laughed lightly.

"What?" You shrugged, "You've got a thing for big, strong men who sweep in and rescue you, first Steve then T'Challa."

"Shut up." Bucky growled and you raised your eyebrows with a teasing smile.

"Looks like someone hit a nerve." Sam snickered.

"They're coming to pick you up the day after tomorrow." Happy chimed in after reading a text from his phone.

"Natasha's gonna be pissed." You mumbled.

"When's she due back?" Happy asked you, having caught what you said.

"Few days."

"Bet you see her tomorrow," Sam smirked, "Once she hears about this, no way in hell she stays overseas."

As if on cue, your phone started ringing and you pulled it out without thinking, but when you saw who it was, you tossed it over to Sam like a hot potato.

"I'm not answering that! She'll be all worried! I hate her worried voice!" You explained frantically when he looked to you for an explanation.

"Well, I don't want it!" He protested, throwing the phone to Bucky whose arm made a clang noise when it hit it.

"Please, you guys are so immature." Bucky scoffed, looking like he was going to answer it, but then his face fell, going a bit pale, and he shoved it into Happy's chest without making eye contact with him.

"Smooth like sandpaper." You teased lowly.

"Big talk from a little man." Sam said more to his face as Happy contemplated his choices, the phone continuing to ring.

"I'm literally bigger than you." Bucky deadpanned, his jaw ticking a little.

"Wanna test that?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, if we're about to whip out our dicks," You put a hand up in front of each of their chests and they waited with scrunched faces before you added, "I've got you both beat by miles."

"Miles?" Sam asked with a look of disgust, thinking for a second before continuing, "Who would want a mile long d-"

"Agent Romanoff." Happy greeted formally and you all turned to the fumbling man who let out a shaky breath after saying her name, "Yeah, she's here."

"Brave man." You muttered, impressed.

"Tony called you," He nodded, getting a little flushed, "Makes sense...mhm...Wakanda? Oh, he thought – no, yeah, it was my idea, but I figured with how they helped Sergeant Barnes...Yeah," He swallowed thickly, his nerves on edge, and you three stayed silent, just staring at him in almost awe, "No, that makes sense...So, you'll be here by the morning," He looked at you when he added that part.

Sam chuckled quietly before Bucky punched his arm, then Sam reached over to pinch his nipple, making Bucky punch him harder with a barely audible 'ah', Sam only retaliating with another nipple pinch, but then Happy was walking to stand in between, stopping them as he spoke again,

"Sounds good, I'll let her know."

"That was going to backfire anyway," You whispered over to Sam, loud enough for Bucky to hear you, but not loud enough that Happy caught it as he walked away again, "Steve told me he's into nipple play."

"Oh, shit." Sam snickered, trying to stop himself from full blown laughing as Bucky sent you a hard glare.

"There's no way in hell he told you that."

"What?" You asked the soldier with a teasing smile, "Because he wouldn't share your bedroom secrets or...?"

"Shut the hell up," He grumbled, but you didn't miss the light blush tinting his cheeks, "We're not together."

"Yeah, because that's believable," Sam smirked sarcastically, shaking his head as he started grinning, "You guys aren't as subtle as you think."

"It's true," You nodded with a sigh, "Whenever Steve says you guys tried something ninky – that's new and kinky – I always-"

"You did not just combine new and kinky, trying to make it a thing." Sam shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes in disappointment, but you just ignored him.

"I always try to top you guys, but it quite literally just ends with me topping Romanoff, can I get an up top?" You smiled widely, raising your hand towards Bucky, but he just narrowed his eyes with a frown, and when you moved your hand towards Sam, he pushed it away, "C'mon guys, the pun at least deserved a high-five."

"It's not cool anymore when you say stuff like that about your wife."

"Yeah, it makes me uncomfortable." Bucky agreed and you gaped at them.

"I kept it tame." You mumbled with a pout.

"Okay," Happy came into the room, handing you your phone back and taking a deep breath before telling you all dramatically, "She's coming."

You snorted and raised your hand towards Happy, but he high fived you without a second thought since he was kind of used to it with Tony, and you smirked.

"Nice one."

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