Chapter Five

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"Where is she! I'm gonna fucking kill that psychotic bitch!"

Alarms were blaring all around you, lights gone red, and the only outside communication you had was through your earpiece, but even that was spotty at best.

Everything went to shit, and you knew this was on her.

Agents, both Hydra and SHIELD, lay dead on the floors as you ran through the hallways, shooting anything that moved. You had been shot multiple times, if it wasn't for your powers, you'd surely be dead, and you had lost both Natasha and Steve while Tony and Clint stayed at the jet, completely locked out.

The only other person whose body, dead or alive, you haven't seen or heard from was Amanda.

The four of you had gone ahead to scope out the base with the SHIELD agents, but then the doors were jammed behind you, separating you from the other two.

It had been a trap this whole time and conveniently Amanda was nowhere to be found moments after everyone processed what was happening, trying to look to her for answers.

"You need to get out," Tony was telling you through the comms, "If we lose you, we lose everyone and everything."

"I'm not wasting my power on one agent's life when Natasha or Steve might be..." You trailed off angrily, rage pumping through your veins, and soon you'd only see red.

"I know, I know," He was trying to remain calm while also keeping you from doing something stupid, "Just focus, where'd you lose them?"

"South corridor..." You mumbled, heading that way, but the moment you turned the corner, you were forced to hide behind the wall again because shots fired out, "Fuck!" You groaned in pain as a bullet shot through your shoulder just as you turned and your powers healed it, but it still hurt in the moment as it would've, "Tony, I'm screwed."

"Back left pocket." Is all he said, and you didn't think twice before reaching behind you.

"Stark, did you slip this in there just to feel up my ass?" You smirked, a blood-stained smile crossing your lips, "I love you."

"That and I told you, I didn't trust the newbie either."

"Fair enough," You nodded to yourself, flicking the miniature bomb's switch and throwing it down the hall towards the oncoming agents, "Smoke?"

"Among other things, but it shouldn't hurt you."

"'Shouldn't'?" You grimaced with a nervous smile, changing your gun's clip for a new one and turning the corner once again.

You shot out like your life depended on it and with everything Natasha had taught you, you were using the walls to jump off with a spin to kick the last guy down. Then you huffed, shooting the unconscious man in the head before continuing quickly down the way.

But then the walls faded away and it was black around you, making you stop short.

"Uh, Stark wars?" You winced, spinning in circles, "You seeing this at all?"

"Y/- you – what is-?" His voice came in choppy through the earpiece until it didn't come in at all.

"Fuck." You muttered, walking the same way, or at least you hoped, as you were going before.

You were going slowly, your gun raised, and you crept on the balls of your feet, trying not to make a sound. You ended up walking into a wall and you stumbled back, your nose healing a moment later from the collision.

"Oh, honey." A dark chuckle ran out and you spun around again with wide eyes, recognizing the voice.

"She's dead, she's dead," You mumbled under your shaky breath as your back pressed against the cold wall and you squeezed your eyes shut, "She can't hurt you, this isn't real."
When you opened your eyes again, it was back in your old dining room and your family was sat around, eating and laughing.

"There you are!" Your father boomed out, wiping his mouth with the napkin before returning it to his lap and waving you over, "Almost sent a search party to your room."

"And by a 'search party' he means me." Your brother added quietly, but they heard and started laughing.

Your parents were each sat at the ends of the table while your brother was sat with his back to you and there was another place setting across from him reserved for you apparently.

"Food's getting cold, dear," Your mom lightly scolded with a smile, gesturing to your chair, "Come, sit, sit."

You carefully walked over, your eyes taking everything in, and your heart was pounding in your chest as you sat across from your brother, refusing to make eye contact with any of them.

"You look like shit." He smirked and your eyes finally met his as your attention snapped towards the voice that sounded warm and familiar, something you missed greatly.

"You're dead." You choked out, trying to swallow your tears, but it was hard with how much he looked like himself and you just wanted to hug him so tightly and apologize for everything.

You wanted your family back, there was no denying it, but everything wasn't what you thought it had been and you needed to fight this.

"Hey, none of those threats at the dinner table," Your dad scolded and then patted your arm firmly, "But I believe you have some big news to tell us?"

You glared over at him and then down at his hand like you wanted it to set on fire before he removed it, making your brother chuckle behind his glass.

"You threw him off that cliff." You growled angrily, your eyes burning holes into the man.

"Cliff?" Your mother spoke up, looking between you both, "What is she talking about?"

Your eyes went to your brother again who was already staring back at you and it sent a warmth through you, unlike the chill of hearing your parents' voices did. It was different, like he knew everything and didn't want you here because he actually cared.

"Us against the world, right?" He rolled his eyes with a teasing smile as your mother repeated her question again to your father.

He'd always say that same thing to you when you were growing up and they'd start arguing. It was something that said no matter what, you've got each other's backs, and even when your dad would get a little physical or your mom would start drinking which always led to angry shouting, you guys wouldn't be alone in it.

"This whole time..." You trailed off, letting a tear slip, and he shook his head, his own eyes wet, but they just kept arguing across the table.

"You didn't know," He shrugged, "How could you have?"

"I should've." You shook your head.

"I knew," He admitted, but their voices were fading, and so was everything around you, "And that's why I had to go."

"Wait!" You called as the table faded and your parents vanished, "Please don't go!"

"You need to find them before she does." Is the last thing he said before he vanished the moment you reached out for him.

"Slow hands, you there? Kid!" Tony was suddenly yelling into your comm and you cringed at the noise.

"I'm..." You pawed at the tears on your cheeks, watching as the base's hallways came back into view, but now you were surrounded by Hydra agents who had red dots swarming around your chest as they aimed their automatics at you,

"I'm in a sticky situation."

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