Chapter Eleven

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Sam's smile grew as he drew closer to a terrified Nikki. Taking her hand he gently coaxed her to her feet, pulling her away from the man who claimed to be her guardian. Unsure as to what was expected of her, or what was happening, Nikki allowed Sam to lead her a few steps from the table and out of the corner of her eye she saw Josh twist to watch them. She couldn't help but notice his obvious irritation.

Positioning himself in front of her, Sam slipped his hands onto Nikki's hips, effectively pinning her in place. "Hi again," he murmured with an easy smile.

Inside her chest, Nikki's heart began to accelerate both from his close proximity and the uncertainty of her situation. She was scared.

"Now Nikki, I want you to listen to my voice. I need you—" he paused, pulling her fractionally closer to him, "—to do exactly as I say."

Hesitation poured from her tense posture as Nikki stiffly shifted her weight from foot to foot. Glancing to Josh for support she caught her reflection in the dusty glass window and was shocked by what she saw. The face staring back was vulnerable and frightened, the eyes wide and framed by dark circles. Her skin, which was normally pale, was now bone white, reminding her of the thing that lay in wait as soon as she lost consciousness.

Forcing her eyes to move, she caught Josh's attention, noting how he nodded stiffly, clearly unhappy but still encouraging her to continue following Sam's instruction.

Taking a deep breath, Nikki wrestled her focus back to Sam and swallowed down her nerves. If she wanted to return home to see her family and friends she would have to go along with what ever he said. She nodded, giving her consent blindly in the hopes that this might solve her problems.

I'm return Sam smiled, the warmth in his gesture touching his eyes and drawing Nikki in. She stared at the familiar hazels and allowed the tension in her body to slowly dissolve. If Josh trusted him then so did she.

Sensing her surrender, Sam bent his head and positioned his mouth to her ear, his hot breath tickling her with each steady exhale.

"There's no one here except you and me," he purred, his left hand slipping slowly from her hip up her arm and cupping her chin. "Just you and me," he repeated.

To her right Josh sighed quietly. She attempted to move but Sam held her firm.

"Just us," he whispered. "Listen to my voice, feel my skin against yours." He pulled her tighter into his embrace and she felt the burn of her blush as it spread across her face.

"Take deep breaths ... Feel the blood rush through your veins, feel my breath against your ear."

As he spoke she felt her turbulent thoughts quiet down.  Yet in the back of her mind she struggled to understand how yet again she could yield so easily to a stranger. A frown momentarily creased her forehead. She knew she had to trust him, she wanted to trust him but she thought at least a small part of her would have remained reserved.

Trying to brush away her thoughts, Nikki exhaled, feeling his body close to hers, his hand on her hip and his skin against hers. But instead of feeling uncomfortable at the intimacy, she was ... Completely relaxed.

Slowly Sam moved his hand from her chin, sliding it under her jaw and around to the back of her head, his thumb stroking her face tenderly. She felt his other hand glide to the base of her spine, locking her in his hold.

"Just breathe."

Again, she inhaled and acknowledged that she should feel somewhat violated by his touch, yet somehow, nothing mattered. She was simply safe and relaxed.

Continuing on, his soft, melodic voice barely more that a whisper now, Sam squeezed the back of her neck gently. "Feel my arms. They are strong. They are good; you feel safe in my arms because you are safe. Safe with me." He squeezed again. "Nothing can touch you. I've got you, Nikki, you're all mine now." He pulled his shoulders back but she remained locked in his arms. Moving his face to hers, his eyes burned feverishly. "You are safe."

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