Chapter Twenty-Five

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Nikki ran; she didn't know where she was going but she knew what she had to do. The only way to ensure the safety of everyone she loved was to destroy the danger. She was the danger.

She ran fast, trying to stay ahead of Josh and ahead of her thoughts. If she allowed herself the opportunity to really consider what she had planned, there was a good chance she wouldn't go through with it. But knowing the truth and the gravity of the situation, she had to go through with it. For the sake of every friend, every family member, every stranger, Nikki knew what she had to do. She glanced around frantically, looking and searching. She had to do it soon, she couldn't risk Josh, Sam or Dee catching up to her, but it had to be public. The underworlds had to see it; they needed to know first hand that she was out of the equation. Terror seized her and her blood ran cold. Could she really do this? Her stomach churned and the liquid she had drank threatened to force its way out. Was she capable of ending her own life? Her eyes sought out all the happiness as she blindly fled Josh. She saw couples laughing and friends enjoying each other's company and knew that she didn't have a choice.

There's no other option, she told herself, die now and save the world or die later after they've destroyed it.

Pushing her growing fear aside she pressed on, refusing to be used as a tool to obliterate the lives of millions; she wouldn't bring about the downfall of the world. She couldn't and wouldn't be the person responsible for that devastation. Whirling around to try and find a solution, panic set in. She needed to act fast and time was running out, she could already feel Josh's presence closing in on her. A second idea hit. It was flawed but at such short notice she would have to make it work. She started running towards the hotel. The bright lights from the foyer lit up the street outside and welcomed her as she breathlessly barreled through the doors. Ignoring the protests of the few guests she knocked into, she headed for the silver doors of the elevators. Luckily a set were just sliding shut as she scooted through them, almost crashing into an elderly couple as she did. She mumbled an apology before stabbing the appropriate button. It traveled at an excruciatingly slow speed and she danced from foot to foot willing it to hurry.


As soon as it slowed to a stop and the doors rolled open she was running. She slammed into the door of their shared suite and hammered with her fists, hoping that Sam or Dee were there to let her in. Her prayers were answered as the door swung open revealing Sam's confused face.


Nikki breezed past him hurtling towards the large balcony doors but she didn't get far.

"Nikki?" He caught her arm and pulled her back.

"No, Sam, let me go. This is important." She yanked away from him, struggling to break free but the more she tussled the tighter he gripped until eventually he grabbed her other arm.

"What's going on? Are you okay? Where's Josh?"

"I need to get out to the balcony Sam, I have to. Now." She begged, shaking her arms free and stepping back, but once more he stopped her, his hands snaking around her waist and holding her fast.

"Sam please! I need to get outside! We're all in danger, catastrophic danger unless you let go now."

His eyes grew wider as he dropped his hands and stepped back.

"Nikki, sugar, what's wrong? What happened?"

Tearing open the veranda doors, the sheer voile curtains billowed into the room as she stumbled outside.

"Nikki! What's happening?" Sam followed her out on the terrace, bewildered and worried.

Nikki peered over the balcony and smiled with relief. It was perfect, there was no way she would survive the fall.

"Check the door Sam! Quick!" she commanded, pointing at the suite door, which hung limply open from where she'd crashed through.

With sickening satisfaction, he did as he was told and dived back inside. As her heart thumped wildly in her chest, Nikki climbed up onto the wall, her knees scuffing against the cold hard stone banister. Carefully she straightened up, staring down at the distant traffic below her. She'd never liked heights. Oh, the irony.

"Nikki, no!"

She turned in time to see Josh and Sam running through the extravagant room, their faces horrified and anguished. Josh held his hand out in front of him as if to grab her but he was too far away.

"It's the only way." She glanced back at the busy street before turning back. They reached the doors and she smiled at them, her face apologetic and resigned.

"It'll be fine. I'll be fine! Don't worry."

"Nikki please. Please don't--" Josh's voice broke as he sank to his knees beseechingly.

"Don't do this, sugar." Sam called, his voice trembling.

"There's no other way." Her face betrayed her nerves as her eyes met Sam's.

He took a step towards her but she held up her hand to stop him. "It's the only way."

"Please!" Josh choked, his hand still held out.

Forcing her gaze to Josh she clung to the belief that she was doing the right thing. Josh's expression was torturous but Nikki held firm. She had no other choice. It was all or nothing and for the sake of everything important to her, she had to jump. Her heart lurched as she connected with Josh's eyes. She could feel the agony rolling off of him.

"It's okay Josh. I'm supposed to do this."

"No, no you're not! No, Nikki, there's so much--"

"This is what needs to happen, Josh. My gift is getting stronger and it's going to get noticed. I can't let them ... " She inhaled a shaky breath trying to subdue her racing heart. "I can't destroy—"

"You won't!"

"No, you're right, I won't." She inhaled deeply. It was now or never. She had to make the move.

With her heart in her mouth she shuffled to the edge of the narrow ledge. Her limbs trembled and the doubts in her mind shouted at her to stop but she couldn't. And now time had run out. With a last glance over her shoulder, she caught Josh's gaze and smiled ruefully.

"I'm so sorry," she mouthed.

Closing her eyes she kept the memory of his hazels in her mind and concentrated on the depth of their colour. With a final breath, Nikki bent her knees and pushed forward into the empty space before her. Her feet left the security of the balcony and for a brief moment, Nikki imagined Josh's arms wrapped lovingly around her. As she fell to her death she carried with her the thought of a different life and the hope of a safer world. She had done all she could.

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