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Josh's deep hazel eyes fluttered open as he slowly regained consciousness. The glaring fluorescent light that he knew so well bored down into his squinting eyes whilst his broken heart splintered over and over again into a million shards.

Burying his head into his hands he sobbed openly, not caring who or what heard him.

He had known as he kissed her stone cold lips and held her lifeless body that she had not survived but the sweet relief of unconsciousness had claimed him before he could begin the long, lonely road called grief.

Wrapping his arms around his knees he drew them up to his chest and rocked himself gently. His life had ended with hers and he had no desire to set foot upon that world again without her in it. Without her, there was a hole in his soul that simply couldn't be filled. He knew he would never be whole again.

He cried, draining both his emotions and his strength. He didn't care what happened now, if either of his enemies had gained the upper hand and destroyed the other, if the world he had left was now a living hell. Nothing else mattered now she was gone.

Josh sat in his own private carousel of feelings riding around and around through heartbreak, anger, disbelief and hopelessness, but nothing happened. No miracle came to set things how he desperately wanted them to be.

Hours passed, melting into days but Josh didn't notice, didn't sleep, didn't care. He knew that somewhere along the line he had been joined but he didn't look to see his unwelcomed visitor.

Time meant nothing to Josh. Only the gaping hole in his splintered heart could keep his attention.

"Why me?" his hoarse whisper was demanding.

Because she belonged to you.

There was no voice or movement, no sound except the answer in Josh's own mind.

"But I couldn't help her. I couldn't save her." His voice cracked with agony.

You did save her. Without you she would have destroyed herself and the world.

"Any other Guardian could have done that. Why me? What did I do that was so God damned awful I deserve this hell?" Josh's anger flared as his foot kicked over a nearby chair.

She didn't love any other Guardian. It was your love that saved her, that brought her back from the brink. You just saved their world, you should be happy.

"Happy?" Josh raged, glaring up at the being conversing with him. "Happy?"

I understand your sadness but it will pass and you will understand why you were chosen. You annihilated many of our enemies; can you comprehend the amount of innocent lives your actions have saved?

Josh pulled his arms tighter around himself, ignoring the tears as they fell freely. "I did nothing. She, Nikki was the savior." As he spoke her name the shards of his broken heart crumbled to dust.

Yes. But without you she would never have sacrificed herself. You are the reason the human race can continue. Every other Power you have protected has led you to this point, to her. You were the hinge on which all fate relied. You are the savior.

"If I'm so fucking wonderful why am I here and she's gone? Believe me if I could have turned the world to shit to keep her then I would have. Am I so worthy of your title now?" Josh snarled at the being looking down at him.

Yes. It was that love that saved--

"Jack shit, that's what it saved."

This pain will subside.

"Fuck you, what do you know about grief?"

I know infinitely more than you which is why I say these words... Your love has not died.

Josh's head snapped up and he was on his feet before his brain could decipher what his body was doing.

"What do you mean?"

Go back to the world you came from and wait. You do not belong here now; your days of returning here are over. Go back to where you came and wait. One day, love will come return to you.


When she comes, your heart will heal.

Before Josh could reply he was alone.

His head swam as he replayed the words over in his mind. His love was not dead. His heart would heal...

He clenched his jaw as a new wave of emotion crashed over him. Could it be that Nikki had somehow survived? Was she out there looking for him?

When she comes, your heart will heal.

Your love has not died.

A spark of hope ignited in his chest as slowly his crumbled heart began to swell.

When she comes ...

His eyes shone bright as he contemplated the thought that he was going to see her again.

This wasn't the end; this was a whole new beginning.

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