Chapter Two

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Nikki blinked once as the world slowed to a stand still. Her eyes locked with Josh's, his body frozen in the split second it took to make her decision.

She saw a flicker of recognition in those hazel eyes. And the spark of an old memory danced just out of reach, like a forgotten dream in the weak, early morning light.

Some long forgotten feeling gripped her, stifling her with a range of emotions strong enough to steal the breath from her lungs. Here was a man she had met moments ago, and yet she had the strongest urge to protect him. No - not protect him, she wanted to save him but she didn't know why. She couldn't explain it.

As the distance between them closed, the urge to have him near her overruled every rational thought. Impulsively her body reached towards him and without further thought she popped the locks and swung open her door, ignoring the inner voice shouting about the insanity of the situation.

"Get in!" 

The guns veered in her direction. The men waving them obviously confused but Nikki doubted they were the type to stop and question before they released their rounds. Spotting the van they broke into a run, hurling their giant bodies down the gloomy alley, hot on Josh's heels.

"Go!" Josh instructed as he leapt across Nikki's lap into the passenger seat.

Following orders, she slammed her foot on the accelerator and sped away, her open door bouncing on its hinges as she headed off at full throttle. Mindlessly she gripped the wheel and stared straight ahead, concentrating only on the sound of the engine and her ragged breaths. She couldn't let herself think about what had just happened - of what was still happening, the whole state of affairs was far too messed up to deal with.  

As soon as she was able, Nikki took a breath, grabbed her door and heaved it shut, all without taking her foot off the accelerator.

Her eyes, wild with terror-fueled adrenaline, searched for somewhere safe; anywhere safer than these quiet streets and empty warehouses with men wielding guns.

"Turn left." 

She manoeuvred the van in silence, her fingers clinging to the steering wheel so tightly it hurt, her mind somewhere in the red zone with the engine. From the corner of his eye, Josh watched his driver, his body tilted towards her, worry etched on his face.

Precious seconds slipped by, and the warehouses gave way to a smattering of shops and park-side apartments. Nikki still couldn't breathe properly. She managed a glance in her mirror, sure that the running men would be just behind them but all she saw was empty road.

"Okay Nikki, pull over." Josh coaxed gently.

Unable to hear him above her scattered thoughts, she continued forward at breakneck speed. 

"Seriously, Nikki, slow down." He leaned across and placed his hand over hers. "Pull over," he urged.

On autopilot, she removed her foot from the accelerator and allowed the van to roll to a stop. Quickly Josh reached around and removed the keys from the ignition and in one swift movement pulled on the hand brake. They had reached a road lined with cafés, restaurants and bars and around them the world was going about its day: everyone oblivious to the courier van so innocently parked in their midst. 

"What the hell was THAT?" Nikki whispered, her voice shaking with fear, adrenaline and confusion. She pried her hands from the wheel and wrapped them protectively around her trembling torso, trying to ignore the bile clawing up her throat and the painful hammering of her heart inside her ribcage.

Josh shuffled as close as his seat would allow and stretched his hand out to rub her hunched shoulders. She flinched as his fingers touched her and he withdrew his hand slowly, studying her every move.

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