Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Nikki!" Josh's anguished scream tore through the room almost drowning out the sickening crunch as Nikki's body collided with the cage. The air left her lungs as she landed face down on the hard floor in a crumpled heap. Before she could move the shape shifter grabbed her legs and dragged her back, away from the door and safety. It cackled tauntingly at the three Guardians who stood helplessly shouting and tearing at the reinforced metal barrier.

"Wait. Wait!" Josh bellowed, his voice hysterical. "Let's make a deal. Anything, we'll give you anything."

The shape shifter stopped mid crouch, cocked his head and looked up. He smiled maliciously at Josh and let go of his prey. With his attention elsewhere Nikki acted quickly, scooting away from the Josh look alike. Crawling to the wall, she collapsed against the unforgiving surface, struggling to breathe. What had she been thinking? Why had she ever thought herself capable of handling this situation?

The mirrored Josh's glared at each other, one calm and composed in contrast to the other's frantic desperation. Taking a breath in an attempt to clear her head, Nikki caught the gleam from the key that had fallen out of her pocket and now lay inches from the shape shifters feet. She glanced at the creature in the cage with her; he obviously hadn't noticed it yet.

"What do you want?" Josh cried, hooking his fingers through the holes in the fence.

"What are you offering?"

"We'll let you go free, we won't come after you, just, please, let her go."

"Yes of course you will." The shape shifter spat. It cocked its head languidly to the side before letting out a deafening roar. "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Turning suddenly it lurched at Nikki. With her hands held impotently in front of her body, the demon flew across the enclosure towards her. Within seconds it had scooped down and wrapped its long fingers around her throat. She clawed at the hand crushing her windpipe but made no impact as she was dragged up the wall.

She pulled, digging her nails into the skin and scratching at the demon with all her might. At the same time she kicked, stretching her legs to connect with something, anything, but the more she struggled the weaker she became. She fought desperately, hissing and thrashing but the arm was strong and didn't budge. Pinning her effortlessly the shape shifter tightened its grip. The bright lights in the room began to dim and her vision blurred. As her struggles waned she felt the soft blanket of unconsciousness envelope her once more, enclosing her in a cocoon of painless, peaceful warmth.

In the distance she could hear the voices of the two Josh's arguing, begging and sniping but she couldn't force herself to care. She was happy where she was, surrounded by lulling warmth. She was comfortable as the numbness swept up from her toes to her head, slowly but surely claiming her. Floating along in her semi conscious state, Nikki was wrenched back by a searing pain that ripped through her shoulder. The burn forced her eyes wide with shock and agony. She gasped loudly and looked down.  Her blouse had been torn open revealing her lacy bra. She blinked. Josh, with his teeth embedded into her flesh was licking at the oozing hot blood.

Over his head three people pulled helplessly at the cage door, heaving with every ounce of strength they had. The reinforced hinges quivered but held fast, refusing to give up. Nikki scowled as the pain dulled to a negligible ache and surveyed the scene. She felt entirely removed from her own body as the shape shifter bit down again and again, each wound nearing her beating heart. It was strange to see the top of Josh's head resting against her chest, almost lovingly before it turned to inflict another, unfelt, attack. As if sensing her gaze he looked up into her eyes and grinned, blood dripping from his perfect, swollen lips. His hand, which had released her neck and was now holding her against the wall, fell to her waist allowing Nikki to slump forward over his shoulder. He pressed his body against hers, pinning her up and with his free hand brushed the hair from her face. Slowly he put his head to hers, positioning his mouth to her cheek.

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