Chapter Thirty-Three

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Alone, in the back of the car with only her thoughts to break up the long journey, Nikki watched the scenery go by. Josh, behind the wheel, cheerfully hummed along to the mindless noise blaring from the radio with Sam next to him, his face unregistered and bored. They'd been driving for hours and she had no idea where they were heading. She'd considered asking the question but what was the point? The answer was always the same. They wouldn't tell her. Josh had been so friendly as they exited the hotel but as soon as they got in the car he had all but ignored her, and Sam had been no better. She had watched one and then the other but neither had including her in their sporadic conversations.

Loneliness shrouded her.

The scenery flew by indicating that they were traveling much faster than they should, but Nikki didn't care, she found herself less bothered by things that used to concern her, like she was losing interest in the 'real' world. She knew this should worry her but it didn't, instead she felt utterly apathetic. The countryside sped past the window but she hardly saw it. Her mind was busy pawing over her conversation with Unus. She listened internally to its deep voice, the familiarity of it lulling her further inside her thoughts. She hadn't been at all alarmed or frightened in its presence. On the contrary, she'd felt safe and protected, wanted and special.
Was it really the monstrous being that she was being led to believe? She trusted the two men accompanying her but was it possible they had it wrong? What was so wonderful about this world anyway? War? Famine? Death? Politics? Maybe it was due a change, wasn't that what evolution was all about? The strongest survive.

Was she one of the strongest?

But then without warning her mind showed her the grisly image of Unus' chambers. The tattered, torn, thrashing bodies. The blood and the insects. No. She didn't want that for this world, as bad as this world was it didn't deserve plunging into that particular hell. She chewed thoughtfully on her bottom lip, pulling the skin between her teeth until the metallic taste of blood tainted her tongue.

Why me? she thought petulantly. What did I do to deserve all this?

Her life hadn't been perfect, but whose was. Really? Who could boast such happiness that the word envy was not in their vocabulary. Her childhood had been average but things weren't so bad. She had a nice home and some good friends. Life wasn't everything she had hoped it would be but it certainly wasn't that bad. So why was all this happening to her? What made her so special?


Well, except that one thing. That unforgettable 'talent' she possessed. She lifted her right hand and focused hard on the slight blue glow around her fingers. She found that with extreme concentration she was able to form a small ball of dancing flames in the palm of her hand. She closed her fingers around the shimmering flicker letting the warmth spread through her hand up her arm. It was comforting. It was ... easy.

"You okay back there? You're unusually quiet." Josh joked looking at her in the interior mirror.

She slapped her hand back to her thigh and forced a smile. "I'm good." The car slowed as both heads turned, disbelief and suspicion etched into their faces. "What?"

"You're good?" Sam asked doubtfully.

"That's what I said," she retorted taking a dislike to their skepticism.

The men crossed gazes, a flicker of doubt and mistrust passing between them. Sucking in her chewed lip she glared out of the window. She was sick of the way they looked at her, like she was unstable and vulnerable. Twice now she'd proven herself to be more than adequate of looking after herself. Granted the second time was nearly a disaster but since then circumstances had proven her to be indestructible. She allowed a quiet resentful laugh to escape her lips. She was unbreakable, more so than either of them. With Unus' protection she could do whatever the hell she pleased and still walk away unscathed. The blue glow around her hand strengthened. She could feel the sparks of heat tingling against her flesh like a million tiny firecrackers exploding around her digits.

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