Chapter Forty

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Nikki leaned into Josh's protective embrace as he walked her into the kitchen. They had showered, relishing their time alone and enjoying each other. However as time passed they had both reluctantly agreed to show their faces downstairs. This had led to Josh giving Nikki a tour of the beautiful house Mikey, Will, Roxy and Jake shared. He had shown her all the rooms, pausing in each to kiss or hold her as he relayed anecdotes of past events. In a stark comparison with his brother's house, Mikey's place was light and airy and very homely. The decor was simple and clean, all neutral colours and natural wood. It was also extremely big. Nikki had wandered, hand in hand with Josh as he led her from one room to the next to the next to the next – it seemed never ending. After touring the first floor they had descended the white staircase and she had become disoriented in the maze of reception rooms. Finally they had made it to the back of the house where the kitchen was situated.From what Nikki could tell through the large windows the house was set back from a dirt road, nestling quietly against the edge of a forest. The setting was eerily reminiscent of Sam's house but Nikki had yet to see any lakes.

Weak sunlight filtered through the overcast sky and did nothing to help lighten the foreboding wood that loomed behind the house. The ominous darkness of the forest extended out from the depths of the trees and for some unknown reason unsettled Nikki. She peered out and wondered what sinister secrets this place held.

"Hey, we were about to send out a search party." A chiming female voice called as they walked through the large archway into the kitchen. Nikki peeked around Josh to see a woman in her mid thirties with a pointed face and severely short black hair. Although she was taller than Nikki she was still very petite and the clothes she wore hung baggily from her frame. She clearly dressed for comfort rather than style. The woman was seated at a large breakfast bar next to a thick set, blonde haired man who sat fiddling with a mug of coffee. Roxy noticed Nikki eying the drink. 

"Freshly made, I'll grab you a cup," she offered heading to the back of the room.

"Sounds good and make hers a tea." Josh nodded a hello to the man drinking his coffee. 

"I was talking to Nikki you oaf, but I guess I'll get you one too." The woman clicked her tongue but her annoyance was obviously fake as she threw them a bright smile.

"So, Nikki," Josh towed her to his side, "this is Will and Roxy. Will is Mikey's Charge, well, Power actually."

Nikki frowned. "What's the difference?"

"A Charge is a broad term for what you are but after you've discovered what your gift is, we tend to refer to you as Powers. Either or, it's basically the same thing."

The large blonde man waved three fingers at her as Roxy set down Josh's coffee.

"Don't stand on ceremony, you're making the place look untidy." The older woman motioned for them to sit. Making himself at home, Josh slid onto a bar stool opposite Will and waited with an open arm for Nikki to join him.

"Hi, I'm Nikki," she introduced herself shyly as she took residency next to her Guardian. Something about the way Will was looking at her made her uneasy.

"Yeah we know. Glad you're feeling better." Roxy smiled welcomingly before smacking the blonde on the back of his head. "Will, manners, jeez talk about Neanderthal." Will grinned and Nikki relaxed as his whole demeanour instantly changed. He locked his icy blues on to her and his smile resonated out of them. 

"Hey, I'm Will." He reached out his hand and Nikki took it, hers looking tiny in comparison. As their skin touched Nikki felt a small jolt of electricity and smiled however Will cursed loudly. He snatched back his hand, jumped off his stool and retreated to the back of the kitchen where he glared murderously at Nikki.

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