Chapter Eighteen

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It hadn't taken much to lull Nikki into slumber, exhaustion had done most of the work and the gentle rocking of the car did the rest.As she slept, Josh held her close, the comfort he found having her body pressed to his concerned him but he couldn't dwell on his own mixed up emotions just yet - there were far more pressing matters at hand.

"You're sure you never said anything?" Sam pushed, his voice barely above a whisper but Josh heard him loud and clear.

"Positive, we never spoke about you."

"So how in God's name did she know?"

"She told us, she saw it."

The car fell silent but for the sound of the engine powering them towards their destination. Both men held their tongues as they attempted to understand the unexplainable.

"Are you sure you never--"

Josh clenched his jaw in annoyance. "I've told you already, she knew nothing. Not your name, our destination, what the lake was called, nothing. I was careful not to let anything slip. C'mon Sam, I'm not inexperienced at this."

Sam pursed his lips and glanced in the mirror to check on Nikki."There's more to her than meets the eye, we need to step it up and keep her under surveillance at all times."

Instinctively, Josh tightened his hold on Nikki and glared back at his friend.

"She's not just-"

"She's not just anything, Josh! She's about as far from just as you get." Sam gripped the steering wheel tighter and straightened his back. "Okay, tell me again, what happened when you found her?"

Josh turned his attention to the darkness outside and answered, unable to disguise his irritation."Again. She was in the lake, water to her stomach and she was reaching out to the southeast with her right hand. After I called her name three or four times, she dropped her hand and turned around. How many more times, Sam?"

"As many as it takes."

"You know this really doesn't concern you-"

"Like hell it doesn't! She saw Vidaru, Josh. Vidaru!" He repeated the name with reverence and let it hang in the air. It was enough to get his point across.Josh dropped the attitude as he found renewed empathy for the man he'd known for more years than was possible.

"I told you she was special."

He found himself gently rubbing his cheek against the top of Nikki's head and inhaling her scent. It was masked by the heavy aroma of his own blood but it was still detectable.Josh closed his eyes and breathed her in. Her clothes still had a hint of the wet forest smell about them and it worked its way in to Josh's subconscious.

He thought back to the moment she'd bolted from the house.She had run from him. The pain that brought was stronger that it should be. The way she had looked at him, through a fog of hate and loathing. That memory caused him more anguish than anything the Hounds could dream up. But he was supposed to feel this way, he had been specifically chosen out of all the other Guardian's, to take care of Nikki - she belonged to him - and yet it had never been this way before. And he had never taken advantage of his charge before.

His thoughts moved to the kiss they had shared and he replayed the stolen moment over and over in his mind.He hadn't intended to do it, quite the opposite in fact, but she'd looked so vulnerable and defeated it had driven him over the line. He had wanted her to see there was still hope but somewhere along the way she'd smothered his logic and seduced him with her charm, and all without knowing or meaning to.

She stirred in his arms, her brows pulling down to a small frown as her fingertips dug into his chest. The sensation left Josh breathless. Leaning his head back, his eyes slid closed and he swallowed. He pictured her astride him, her eyes dark with desire as she clawed at his chest in ecstasy. He imagined her staring down at him, her lips swollen from his kisses but begging for more. The fantasy intensified and he found himself growing uncomfortable as his jeans restricted his all too obvious lust.

Again Nikki's hand twitched, reminding him of his surroundings. He bit his lip hard and shook the distracting images from his mind. Forcing his eyes open he peered at Sam who thankfully remained oblivious.

"She is different ... " Sam glanced briefly over his shoulder, "and powerful too but I'm worried. You didn't see her when it happened. She wasn't herself, she had no control - hell, I don't think she even knew she was doing it. Until we've got a handle on this we have to consider her dangerous."

Josh laughed at the absurdity of Sam's warning.

"She's not dangerous, she's scared and confused."

He looked down at Nikki sleeping peacefully, unaware of the smile lifting the corners of his mouth.

Sam cleared his throat. "Be careful, man. Don't let your feelings for her cloud your judgment, take it from me, that's the fast track to danger days. As much as it pains me to say it, you've got to keep some distance, for her sake as well as yours. You've got to keep your head."

"What?" Josh snapped his head up to throw Sam a murderous, contemptuous glare. "I'm not you Sam, I don't get overly involved with my charges."

Sam hesitated before answering. "Oh really?" He stared at the road ahead, carefully suppressing his anger. "Then why can't you stand it when she touches me? Why does the thought of her being with anyone else leave you dying for a demon to tear apart?"

"Because," Josh answered, gritting his teeth, "she's my responsibility, my charge and it's my job to look after her."

"And that's all there is to it?"

Josh checked himself and moved his arm from around Nikki. Sam was right; he couldn't afford to get caught up in his daydreams. If he wanted to help Nikki and keep her alive he had to face reality.

"Yes!" he snapped.

Sam tilted his head and smirked. "What ever you say, Joshua, what ever you say..."

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