Chapter Fifty

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As the last of the suns outstretched rays died and night blanketed the quiet house Nikki found her thoughts were unusually silent. She sat alone on the back deck as the stars punctured the black sky with pinpricks of glittering light.

After much persuasion she had managed to convince the group to allow Ezekius into the house whilst she decided her next move. With trepidation he had entered but neither the demon nor Guardians were happy with the uneasy situation.

"If you don't then there's a good chance he'll either just come get me or he'll bring a few friends along to help and let's be honest, no one really wants an all out fight right now do they?" Nikki had reasoned.

Sam was furious with the arrangement and insisted on standing guard over the demon, scowling through his furious eyes at his unwanted guest and snarling profanities every few seconds. The only time Nikki saw any improvement in his mood was when Roxy had slipped her arms around his waist and whispered something in to his ear. For a brief moment the Sam Nikki knew all too well was back, smirking cockily at the woman in his arms but it hadn't lasted.

"You've been very quiet, what's going on in your head?" Josh's velvet voice drifted out as he made his way through the kitchen to reach her. He sat next to her and slipped his arm around her waist.

"Not a lot actually, I was just enjoying the view."

"Yeah, it's a gorgeous night," he agreed, following her gaze to the heavens above.

"Do you think there's a master plan? I mean, is there a point to any of this? If there is a God then why am I being forced to choose between you and my rightful calling?" Nikki asked quietly as she relaxed in to Josh's embrace.

She felt him stiffen.

"I already told you, you don't have to choose, I'll go with you where ever you want me to," he sighed, "and if that includes Latébris then so be it."

Nikki sagged, her shoulders slumping down heavily. "But I don't want to drag you to a world where you won't be happy. I don't want to take you away from all of your friends, your family here."

"You are my family now."

Tears stung her eyes and she turned away. She sat in silence, indulging her macabre mood for a little while before she cleared her throat. "No. There's got to be more to it, this can't all just be for nothing, there has to be a purpose. You were sent to me for a reason."

Josh kissed the top of her head. "I hope you're right."

She laughed ruefully. "Me too."

From behind they heard the soft padding of footsteps on the kitchen floor. "Ahem."

Mikey, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, facing slightly away from their intimate moment blushed. "Sorry guys but can I interrupt?"

"If you must." Josh grumbled.

"What's wrong?" Nikki asked as she spotted the anxiousness in Mikey's face.

"We've got a bit of a problem, ah, Ezekius isn't happy having me around, my, uh, thing, is making him uneasy."

"You're thing?" Nikki's scowl deepened.

"I see. Well simple, tell him to leave." Josh said obstinately.

"You know as well as I do that he won't leave without Nikki."

"What thing?" Nikki asked.

"Then it's tough luck, tell him to put up and shut the hell up."

"What's going on? What thing?"

"I have a gift that, uh, blocks demons. Sort of like an invisibility cloak if you like. They can't tune in to me and I mess up their ability to see things clearly."

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