Chapter Thirty-Two

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Nikki slept deeply, her mind leaping from one senseless dream to the next as her subconscious sifted through the week's events. It hadn't taken her long to descend in to her slumbering state, even though she had found herself sharing her bed with the man who occupied most of her waking fantasies. She rested with her head on Josh's chest and her arms tightly around his torso. Even in sleep she clung to him, scared of waking up and finding him, once again, gone. As the sun rose to it's highest peak in the sky, the hard light broke through the gap in the drapes and shone directly on to her closed eyes. It cut through her sleep, pulling her from unconsciousness.

"Hey." Josh greeted as she rolled off him on to her back.

She grunted stretching out her legs and yawning earning a smile as she rotated to face him. Brushing the hair from her face his hand loitered at her cheek and he ran his thumb down her skin. His action took Nikki by surprise. He seemed so at ease with the intimacy.  

"Good news, we're leaving in a few hours."

She sat up. "We are?"

If they were leaving then that meant he wouldn't be able to run off to Dee at every available opportunity.

"Yeah, as soon as Dee gets the call we're gone." He reciprocated her smile, happy to be pleasing her for a change.

"Oh? Dee's coming?" Nikki's buoyant mood vanished.

"She's not but it's okay, you'll still have me and Sam, and then when we get there, Mikey, Will, Jake and Roxy." Josh explained, misreading her reaction as worry rather than jealousy. As quickly as it had disappeared, Nikki's elation returned. They were moving on and leaving his lover behind. Not only that, but Josh seemed much more at ease around her, the barriers they'd built seemed to have been broken slightly.

"It might be a good idea to get ready, as soon as the call comes through we're heading out."

"Okay, I'll go shower then."

Nikki sprang up and flitted out of the room, floating along on her new found upbeat outlook. A stab of guilt momentarily pricked her conscience as she thought about how friendly and nice Dee had been but she brushed it aside. She was going to get Josh away from his devastatingly beautiful lover, why wouldn't she be happy?

"Hey! Sleep well, gorgeous?" Sam beamed as they crossed paths.

"I did, as it happens."

He smirked, sweeping his eyes over her disheveled clothes. "You need to get out of those clothes." He raised his eyebrows suggestively. "Want a hand?"

She laughed lightly, continuing on her way into the bathroom, leaving him without an answer. Nikki showered and changed quickly, eager to be ready when the call came. Sorting through the clothes she let out a discontented huff. She had ruined the most appropriate outfit and was now dependant on some of the racier and more revealing combinations. She vowed, as she pulled on a skin-tight black satin blouse and figure hugging leather trousers, to find some more suitable clothes as soon as she was able.

"Nikki?" Josh called, clearly panicked.

"In here, hang on." She unlocked the door and gingerly walked out to meet the two men. Her eyes fell on Sam who was leaning against the bedroom doorframe, absently rubbing his jaw. Nikki stared at him, something was wrong.


He met her concern with a grin. "Yeah?" His eyes flashed mischievously.

"We're going now Nikki, grab what you desperately need and leave the rest."

Josh glared, his icy tone chilling her to the core. She turned her attention to him but he was back to acting like she didn't exist. The sting cut deep and Nikki watched, speechless as he made himself busy, bustling pointlessly around the suite, purposefully avoiding her.

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