Chapter Twenty

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Nikki awoke in a soft bed to the hushed tones of Josh and Sam arguing. With her eyes shut she tried to recall where she was and how she had gotten there. In a nauseating rush, the events leading to her collapse caught up with her and she became awash with embarrassment and shame.

"You're pushing her too hard, she can't handle everything all at once." Josh's whisper cut through her internal cringing and piqued her interest. Keeping still, she listened to the conversation with interest.

"Yes she can, she's proved that she's tougher than she looks. She needs to know, Josh, she needs to be on the same page or you're going to end up losing her."

"No, she can't handle it yet. Besides I'm not telling her until we've got it figured out."

"She might be able to help us and it might give her a better handle on things. You only saw a taste of what she can do. Last night was nothing compared to how she handled the Hounds."

"That may be so but it didn't last long, her eyes didn't—"

"Stop lying to yourself Josh. She needs to know everything we do."

"Oh right, because it worked out so well for you."

"I'm gonna let that one slide because I know how stressed you are right now, but next time—"

"I don't want her to be the next Elizabeth."

"That's not your call to make." Sam's voice was terse.

"Yes it is, there's a reason they chose me—"

"I'm aware of that and unless you want her to know," Sam cleared his throat,  "she's awake."

Nikki paused for a heartbeat before opening her eyes.

"Feeling better?" Josh asked coolly.

"A little."

She squirmed, uncomfortable under his gaze and unaware how to react to him; the memory of the last time they'd spoken was drenched in confusion and anger. She wanted to talk to Josh, to tell him how she felt about everything that was happening. She wanted it to be easy between them, and to confide in him but there was an invisible barrier holding her back that neither could break through. One that seemed to be, ever present.

And now there was Dee. Nikki couldn't place her finger on the exact reason, but she knew herself well enough to recognise the signs of envy. Not just of her physical appearance but of Dee's apparent relationship with Josh.

That confused her the most. Why was she jealous? Why did the thought of him with anyone else make her heart constrict with resentment?

Whilst her mind raced, her eyes drifted around the bedroom and she was shocked to find herself attached to a drip. She scowled.

"It's a glucose drip." Sam informed her. He was propped against doorframe with his arms folded tightly across his chest.

It was Josh's turn to look guilty. "You collapsed because your blood sugar was too low. You aren't eating enough."

She thought back to the moments before she lapsed into unconsciousness and nodded. The cold sweat, the trembling, it all made sense. All of it except the overwhelming fury she'd had towards Josh.

Her frown deepened. "How long have I been out?"

Sam pushed his hands in to his pockets. "Just under a day, but I don't think it's all down to the hypoglycemia. You've been through a lot, emotionally and physically, and you're body needed to recuperate. Speaking of which, I'll go get you some food."

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