Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Josh ran his hands through his messy hair and rubbed his neck. "I just can't do this anymore," he admitted softly. "I can't be her Guardian, she's going to end up ... "


The thought lingered in his head but he couldn't bring himself to say the word. He shuddered at the memory of Nikki falling through the air. He had often thought his existence was some form of purgatory but in those seconds when he thought her dead, he had sunk to the deepest, darkest depths of hell. His body had been glued to the spot as she disappeared from his line of sight and he'd watched, helpless, as she threw herself off the balcony. Worse still, he hadn't even tried to stop her, he'd just knelt on the floor begging her not to jump. Dee slid into the chair next to him and squeezed his leg.

"You can do this. You're her Guardian for a reason, you know that. They don't pair us on a whim."

"They got it wrong."

His tense voice echoed around the empty ballroom. The large room was in a state of disarray after the wedding celebration that had ended not long ago. Large tables draped with white linen held the aftermath of an elaborate meal and a free bar. Leaning his forearms on the table, Josh swiped a half finished bottle of wine and helped himself to a generous glass.

"They don't get it wrong." Dee spoke with a gentle, calm voice but her eyes flashed dangerously as she tried to reason with her friend.

"Well they did this time."

She raised an eyebrow but held her tongue knowing it would be pointless trying to argue her point. She had known Josh for a long time but never before had he seemed so dejected or depressed.

"So what has Sam done?" She smiled, changing the subject. "What practical joke was it this time?"

"He's a fuckin' backstabbing prick."

The acid dripping from his curses wiped the smile from Dee's face. She stared at Josh in shock. "What?"

"Forget it."

Closing his eyes, Josh saw Sam barrel past him, his arms reaching out to try and grab Nikki but he just wasn't fast enough. Sam had always been that bit slower than Josh but at least Sam had tried. Sam had stepped up when Josh couldn't. Again.

"Seriously, what is going on?" scraping back her chair, Dee began to tidy the table, collecting empty glasses and carrying them to the bar. "You tip up pretty much unannounced with a Charge more powerful than any of us have ever seen and instead of protecting her, you're complaining to me every spare second I have." She worked quickly, her voice carrying over the distance as the glasses tinkled in her hands. "You're moody and closed off and for some reason you're pissed at Sam, but you won't tell me the full story. What's going on?"

Josh drained his glass. Swallowing down the last of the red liquid he stood up to help. It felt good to have a purpose and to know what he was doing.

"I don't want—"

"To talk about it, yeah you keep saying that but here's the thing," she rounded on him and pointed her finger, "I think you do. That's why you keep coming back to me. You're desperate to talk it through but your scared I'm going to judge you."

"Oh you're a psychologist now are you?"

"Cut it out, Josh, I've had enough." She continued to clean but kept a watchful eye on her friend as she did.

"It's nothing, I just needed a break."


"Lydia Constantine! What would your mother say if she heard you cursing like that?"

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