Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Kiss her now!"

Nothing happened.

"What's your damn problem Josh?" Sam roared before spinning Nikki on the spot. He took her roughly in his arms. "Let's warm you up, sugar."

Pressing her against his solid chest he held her tightly, dragging his hands up and down her back in a futile attempt to warm her. The sudden impact shocked Nikki and she pulled back.


Her mind blurred with frustration and confusion. She was stunned and had only a small grasp on the reality surrounding her. She felt the pull towards unconsciousness and longed to let go to slip quietly into the tranquil waters of oblivion but Josh and Sam insisted on dragging her in the opposite direction. Her mind and body, well beyond their breaking points, shrieked at her to give in, but a tiny part of her knew that if she did Josh would die. Or would he? She was protected by more than Josh, she had Unus. And whilst she lived, so did Josh. So where then, was the harm of disappearing inside herself for a while? Forgetting the world to regain her strength. Just a few moments inside the quiet serenity, no lasting damage would be done ...

The hands around her slipped away leaving her momentarily swaying as her limbs struggled to maintain her weight. And then she was flying. The sudden concentrated heat exploded the murky bind in her head. Intense, dominant lips molded to hers as blistering hands slid up her top, scalding her bare back. She gasped as the person kissing her shaped his body against hers, detonating a fiery wave of lust and passion, igniting her blood and turning her icy veins into rivers of lava. As her lips parted, her partner wasted no time, sliding his tongue in to taste her. She caught hold of his shoulders and grasped the material of his top, desperately needing more contact. Opening her eyes Nikki found Josh, his hazels ablaze, staring back as his hot palms rubbed her back greedily. Her stomach knotted and she moaned into the kiss, her breathing increased to a soft pant as finally, she got what she'd been dreaming of. At her obvious sign of pleasure Josh let go of his anxiety, his eyes slipping shut as a deep groan of satisfaction rumbled through his chest. Deepening the kiss, Nikki forgot where she was or what was happening. The only thing that mattered was the feel of Josh as he caressed her tingling skin. Her body vibrated with electricity, her fingers shaking unsteadily as she ran a hand through his hair. Every nerve ending in her body ached for him and in this moment he reciprocated her desire.
He moved his hand down to her trousers cupping her backside as he dragged her hips to hers. Sucking her bottom lip into his mouth he bit her gently tipping her over the edge.

"Fuck!" Josh gasped as her nails trailed down his body, contouring the curve of his chest and stomach. He was becoming consumed by his need and he knew that if he didn't pull back soon, he wouldn't be able to stop what he'd started.
Lost in her delirious fantasy, Nikki didn't understand the reason behind Josh's next move. He leaned back, removing himself from her reach and stood, gasping, opposite her. She frowned as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Fire!" he grit out, his fists balled either side of his thighs.

Nikki looked around and noticed the shadows again. They were closing in, moving uneasily towards them. She stared and inhaled sharply - it wasn't a shadow at all. The darkness was caused by hundreds of scaly, fanged creatures, each around three foot long with lethal looking talons and scorpion like tails. They were hard to pick out as they scrabbled over each other, their dark scales absorbing any light that shone on them.
She stepped forward, nervously reaching for Josh.

"I can't, there's too many."

"You can." His voice shook; he cleared it and started again. "You can do this Nikki." He cupped her face and kissed her lips gently. With effort he pulled away, his eyes squeezed tightly shut, and swallowed. "Just like the car, you can do this." His lids opened and he licked his lips. "Sweetheart, you can do anything."

Looking into his eyes she tried to push down the nerves that were stirring inside her. Nodding her head once, she blocked out the advancing plague of demons and searched for the fire. She could do this. She had to do this. Closing her eyes, Nikki tugged at the dulling heat in her veins but failed to grasp anything solid. She felt better than she had in hours and more alert but the heat just wouldn't bend to her will.

"Come on!" She cried, biting her bottom lip and delighting in the sudden memory of Josh's kiss. Her eyes flew open as she understood what Sam had been getting at. She needed a catalyst to start the fire and the closest one was Josh.

"Josh, I need yo--"

He was on her before she could finish her sentence, his hungry gaze delving into her wide eyes gluttonously. His tongue danced with hers as he kissed her slowly but fiercely. Ignoring their surroundings his hands roamed over her leaving a trailing fire wherever they touched. Weaving his hand into her hair he held her firm, and moving away from her mouth, he attacked her jaw line. Leaving brutal, fierce kisses up to her ear he allowed himself the freedom to do what ever he wanted. Josh smothered her, pouring all his pent up frustration into his actions in an attempt to show her what he had wanted all along. In an ironic twist of fate, the demons had given him permission to take Nikki and claim her for himself and he wasn't about to pass up on this opportunity. Her fingers teased him, stirring his lust into an animalistic frenzy. He needed her and there was no way he could stop now, even if he wanted to.

"Toast them Nikki," Josh whispered, his shallow breathing making him slightly giddy,  "burn them and then fuck me!"

As he muttered the last two words she dissolved against his raw lust. Around the dim circle of light cast out by the old battered street lamp, a thick wall of bright fire materialized. The flames, white and blue, crashed down like a wave, swallowing the writhing mass of disgusting demons whole but Nikki hardly noticed. It took no exertion at all to direct the blaze to where she wanted it; it was as easy and negligible as breathing. The inferno spread quickly, decimating the sea of beasts in an eerie silence - the only sound filling Nikki's ears, the racing thud of her over active heart. It beat frantically as Josh continued his way down her neck and across her collar. She couldn't concentrate as her eyes shut and her nerves combusted under his delectable touch. But she didn't need to see the demons; she could feel them as they disintegrated in the heat.
With a body-wracking shudder, Josh caught his breath and pulled his head back. Slowly, the blue and white shimmering fire receded and Nikki opened her eyes to see Josh staring with yearning and awe. She smiled shyly before a blinding pain detonated behind her eyes and she fell to her knees, her mind and body succumbing to the pain ripping through her.

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