Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Nikki chewed her lip coyly and looked at Josh through her lashes.

"It's only ever been you."

A look of serenity blanketed his face. "I'll never tire of hearing that," he breathed, catching her chin and lowering her lips to his.

"Ahem, there's food in the kitchen!" The call through the door did little to interrupt the intimacy of their kiss. "Guys?" Mikey called with obvious uncertainty.

Nikki smiled against Josh, suddenly giddy and lightheaded. It was as if all the pieces had just fallen into place and wiped out the angst and discomfort of the last few days. Her beam remained fixed in place as she pulled back slightly.

"I hate to do this, and believe me when I say that," she grimaced apologetically, " but I really need to eat. I'm starving."

A flicker of disappointment drifted over Josh's face before he caught himself. "I guess you should eat, it has been days," he agreed, unwilling to release her from his grip. Her grin widened at his open display of reluctance; he clearly didn't want this moment to end any more than she did.

"How about I go grab some food and bring it back here?" she suggested hopefully.

"Even better, I'll go." Before she could agree or object Josh set her gently on the bed and swept out of the door, stumbling in to Mikey on his way.

"Watch it!" Mikey shouted as he was almost run down.

"Sorry Mikey, didn't see you." The most musical laugh drifted back fromJosh as he tore down the stairs and Nikki found herself responding to his merriment, chuckling quietly into her cupped hand.

"Nikki, are you okay?" The tension in Mikey's voice activated Nikki's inexplicable pull to comfort him.

"I'm fine," she hurriedly called to the open doorway. Gingerly, Mikey peered around the white door, his face apologetic but full of concern. Once again the instinct to take care of him washed over her, causing her to lean forward. She caught herself just before she reached out to him, scowling lightly as she tried to understand this unusual compulsion. It was almost overwhelming how deeply she wanted to ensure the safety of this Guardian she had only just met.

"You had us a little worried, you were so out of it you were hardly breathing." He leaned uncomfortably against the doorframe, his shoulders rising awkwardly he tucked his chin to his chest and shoved his hands in his pockets. There was something about him so captivating, something that overrode all of Nikki's inhibitions as she openly stared at him. He appeared to be around the same age as her, or at least that's the age he'd been when he'd died but his expressions hinted at an engaging childish naivety. She wanted to tell him to run, she was desperate to find somewhere safe fo him to hide, to keep him from what ever evil was coming next.

"You look so young," she blurted out, unable to stop the thought tumbling out. 

As crimson flushed her face, Mikey cocked his head and grinned openly. "Thanks," he chuckled. "I'll take that as a compliment."

She shook her head in embarrassment, dropping her gaze to the rug under her feet. "I'm so sorry."

Mikey's grin widened and his shoulders shrugged. "Don't worry about it, but ah," he pushed himself up and strolled casually across to sit next to her, "you might be surprised to learn that I'm older than Joshua."

Nikki let out a rueful sigh. "Even after all the weird, crazy stuff I've seen, you guys still manage to amaze me. So how old are you?"

He leaned towards her slightly, leveling his face to hers. "I'm as old as Sam."

Her mouth fell open. "That old?"

He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. Wanna know something even more outrageous? I'm Sam's brother. We both died in an industrial accident way back when. We only ran in to each other a few centuries ago by accident. What a mind meld huh?"

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