I've decided to skip Shadowzone as I am not a huge fan of the episode. There will be a paragraph about it in this chapter. So here it is, along with Operation Breakdown.
Nahko' POV
So about a week ago the others and I found ourselves in another dimension with a zombie con. Because Miko decided she wanted to get photos. The others and I ran after her, in order to stop her. But things didn't work out that way. Two ground bridges opened and combined. And we ended up trapped in another dimension with a zombie con. But Ratchet figured out a way to bring us back and things have been quiet since.
Anyway, Bulkhead was on a reconnaissance mission when he didn't comm in. Miko called him and he requested a ground bridge back to base. When he returned, we notice he had been in some sort of fight. As he is a little banged up. He told us how he ran into Breakdown and they began to fight. As Ratchet rends to his wounds.
"Engaging the enemy on your own was foolish, Bulkhead" Optimus tells him.
"Breakdown jumped me. I knew I could take him" Bulkhead states.
"Stay still" Ratchet tells him.
"But we should see the other guy, right, Bulk?" Miko asks him.
"Uh. Yeah. About that" Bulkhead says sheepishly.
"You didn't torch him?" she asks.
"Not exactly. I-I figured you all did" he admits. "When I came to, Breakdown was just gone. I remember hearing a copter" he explains.
"None of us turn into copters Bulkhead" Jazz reminds him. "Though that would be cool" he states. I give him a look.
"Maybe it was agent Fowler" Bulk suggests.
"Not me" Fowler states as he joins us. "But I have an idea who. Show me where this 'con-napping occurred" he instructs. He's been a lot more respectful since the autobots saved him and the planet. Ratchet pulls up the coordinates on screen.
"This is where we picked up Bulkhead" Ratchet states.
"The Kamchatka peninsula in eastern Russia" Fowler says. "Much of it was abandoned 20 years ago, when its volcano first erupted. My intel reported Mech activity there earlier today" he explains.
"Mech? You mean those techie guys?" Miko asks.
"The very ones who know of our existence on your planet" Ratchet adds.
"They must have tracked one of us there" Bulkhead states.
"But what would they want with Breakdown?" Miko asks.
"What's it matter? They can have him" Arcee states.
"I agree" Bee buzzes.
"Dragged off by humans. Ha! Guess I softened him up for them, huh?" Bulk asks happily.
"Guys this is bad" I tell them.
"What's bad about it Nahko? Breakdown's a con and now we have one less enemy to deal with and Bulkhead is back safe" Jazz states.
"Ratchet, reactivate the previous ground bridge coordinates. We will rescue Breakdown" Optimus orders. At least someone understands the danger.
"What?!" he asks shocked.
"Optimus, you can't be serious" Arcee states.
"He's a con" Jazz adds.
"Exactly" Bee beeps.
"Mech can melt him down for all I care. Let the 'cons rescue their own" Bulkhead tells him.
"It is unlikely that Megatron would bother with an errand of mercy" Optimus states.
Transformers Prime: Nahko
Hayran KurguNahko is Miko's older twin sister. They currently live in Jasper Nevada as exchange students. She is also what her sister calls a nerd. She is really into space and longs to an astronaut in future. She is in an accident that left a shard of energon...