At The End of Battle

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Haruka and Togame could be seen sending punches back and forth at each other, seeing who would last the longest between the two of them.

Wide smiles were seen on their lips.

The Shishitoren gang stared speechless.

"Wh... What the hell is going on...?"


Suo stared in surprise. "Sakura-kun... You really are amazing..." He said in awe.

Sniffles from Suo's right made him turn his head.

Tears were seen in Nirei's eyes.

"I don't really get it...but I feel deeply moved..." Nirei states.

"Who'd have thought... Sakura would come this far?" Hiragi says, shocked.

Umemiya smiled proudly. "Yeah," he agreed.

Sugishita tsked, having nothing to say about Haruka.

(Y/n) watched in silence as he twirled a finger in a strand of his hair.

Choji watched the fight with a distant and emotionless look on his face.

Haruka sent another punch at Togame just for the raven-haired male to block it.

'Damn... What the hell...? I'm just fightin' another loser...who did all those stupid things to those weaker than him... So, why...does this feel so good?' Haruka wondered as he reeled a fist back. 'And...that was probably the first opponent has ever called me by my name like that.' He mused as he sent a punch at Togame just for him to move out of the way.

Togame stared at Haruka in amusement, his eyes softened a bit.

'Sheesh... It's pissing me much you're enjoying this. Your movements are getting lighter, faster...' Togame trailed off as he darted at Haruka, his arms outward.

Haruka used Togame's shoulders and upper back to flip himself over the male to dodge the incoming attack.

'I'm'll only get stronger from here.' Togame turned his head to see Haruka land on his feet. 'You're not scared of pressing on, no matter who you're facing. Don't...ever change.' He thought.

The older teenager then turned to face Haruka.

"Come...let's do this!!" Togame shouted.

Haruka grinned in response as he and Togame darted at each other.

The two leaped into the air, sharing a kick toward each other's faces at the same time.

With the force of the kicks, the two landed hard on the ground, sending them both skidding away from each other.

Nirei stared in worry as his fingers fidgeted.

A groan left Haruka's lips as he sat himself up, wiping away the blood from his nose even though his face was already smeared with it.

"Heh..." Haruka chuckled.

Chuckles echoed throughout the theater before followed by laughter.

"Heh heh heh... Ha ha ha ha. Haah..." Togame sat up as he looked over at the boy who stood across from him, "Fighting can feel real good, huh?"

Haruka staggered and wobbled onto his feet.

"Yeah, you said it. I never knew it could be this good," Haruka agreed.

Togame got up onto his feet, a heavy sigh leaving his lips.

"You've kept up with me for long enough, so..." Togame trailed off before smirking, "...why don't we finish this?" He asked.

"You bet," Haruka replied, agreeing to Togame's words.

The two of them darted at each other, fists reeled back.

'It was fun...' The two teenagers trailed off in thought.



The first punch to land was Haruka's.

Togame had moved his fist a little to the side before it could land on Haruka's face.

Haruka's eyes widened when he realized what Togame had done.

The theater was silenced as everyone watched Togame hit the ground, not getting back up onto his feet like last time.

"You..." Haruka trailed off.

"I...can no longer stand. I give up," Togame says, closing his eyes as a relieved look took over his expression.

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