The Top vs. the Top

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Rain poured heavily outside the theater as Choji and Umemiya stood across from each other.

"Too bad? Why's that?" Choji asked, his figure lighting up as lightning outside illuminated the room for a moment.

Umemiya stared at Choji in silence, a serious look on his face.

The outside world roared and tumbled with thunder.

Choji then smiled. "Oh well... Whatever! Forget about that last fight! Ume-chan, you're so unfair! What a cheater!" He exclaimed as he jumped around Umemiya's figure before pointing at the Bofurin gang members, "Bofurin...has so many strong guys here! We're nothing like you guys. Everyone on my team's weak. And because of that, I can't be free. It's no fun," he states.

"What... The hell, man...?"

"Is that how Tomiyama-san sees us...?!"

Togame stayed silent as he sat beside the (H/c)-haired teenager who finished patching himself up moments ago.

Choji turned toward the crowd and brought his arms out to his sides. "But if I can win...then Ume-chan, (L/n)-chan, and Furin...all of this...will become mine!! You're the top of Furin, though (L/n)-chan should be there but he isn't. You're both stronger and freer than anyone else there. That's why you're both always having so much fun, right?" He says.

Umemiya stayed silent as he listened to Choji talk.

"If I can prove that I'm stronger than you and (L/n)-chan... If I can have Furin, then...this time, for real...I'll be free. I'll be happier than anyone else. Finally...finally...this boring life of mine...will end," Choji then turned to look over at Umemiya, "C'mon, Ume-chan. Give me...everything! You! (L/n)-chan! Ooown!!" He exclaimed.

Umemiya watched as Choji darted at him so he reeled his fist back and sent a punch at him.

Choji used the extended limb to spin and push himself up to Umemiya's shoulders.

Umemiya looked at the male who was sitting on his shoulders which surprised Suo, Nirei, and Haruka.

Choji reeled a punch back and sent it at Umemiya just for it to be blocked and grabbed around the wrist.

Pulling with force, Umemiya threw the teenager off of his shoulders and toward the ground.

Choji brought his hands in front of him, using his upper body strength to flip himself over, swinging one of his feet at the light-haired teenager who blocked it.

Shishitoren stared at the fight in silence.

"His movements are insane. I've never seen anything like it... He's a natural monster," Suo says.

"Well...he is the youngest to take command in Shishitoren history," Hiragi states.

'Damn it... Damn it all!! If only...he didn't stop me...and...' A patched-up Haruka trailed his eyes over to Togame who was sitting beside (Y/n) in silence and watching the fight. 'I...still have a bone to pick with him... Goddamn it! I'll...become stronger! Stronger... Even stronger!!' He thought.

Choji moved in swiftly, swinging another kick at Umemiya's face for it to be blocked.

"Say, Tomiyama..." Umemiya trailed off.

"Yeah? What is it, Ume-chan?!" Choji asked.

"Talking about all these "what ifs" not going to make it any less harder for you," Umemiya states.

"Tomiyama... You've got it hard, huh?" The words that Umemiya said popped up inside Choji's mind.

"Like...I... Said...I just can't...understand what you're trying to say!!" Choji shouted as he jumped into the air, a fist pulled back.

As he swung, Umemiya grabbed Choji by the wrist which surprised the Shishitoren teenager.

Umemiya had his own fist pulled back as he sent a punch at the shorter teenager.

Choji dodged the punch by leaning backward which he took this chance to flip away.

"Really...? You don't understand, huh?" Umemiya asked.

Blood dripped down Choji's chin which surprised him as he rubbed away at it.

"If you can't even understand something so simple...then there is absolutely no way...I'd lose," Umemiya states as he cracks his neck.

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